83 Local Development Scheme PDF 301 KB
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The Strategic Planning and Conservation Manager presented the Local Development Scheme for Members’ consideration.
The Committee was advised that the Local Development Scheme detailed the proposed timetable for the production of the new Local Plan for the Borough of Redditch. This report had been produced in response to instructions arising from the Government as part of the new National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Councils had been notified of the need to produce new Local Development Schemes within a period of 12 weeks of receiving this instruction. Councils that failed to do so were at risk of Government intervention. The Local Development Scheme addressed key timelines and deadlines but did not specify the proposed content of the future Local Plan.
New guidance was due to be issued at a national level in respect of Local Plans by the end of the year. In the meantime, Officers were in the process of preparing an issues and options appraisal, which would be subject to public consultation. This was the first stage of the Local Plan process and would provide an opportunity for local residents and other interested stakeholders to contribute their views and aspirations for the Local Plan. There would be two more rounds of consultation before the Council reached the public inquiry stage.
Following the presentation of the report, Members discussed the content and in doing so noted that the timeframes available to Councils to produce a Local Plan had changed under the new NPPF. In previous years, Councils had been able to dedicate years to work on the preparation of a Local Plan. Under the new arrangements, the Council would have 30 months to prepare a Local Plan. In this context, it was suggested that the authority might require additional external support to help complete the preparation of the new Local Plan according to deadline.
Reference was made to the opportunities that would be available for Members to contribute to the development of the new Local Plan. The Committee was informed that meetings of the Planning Advisory Panel (PAP) would take place throughout the process and all Members could attend these meetings. The Leader therefore urged Members to attend PAP meetings in order to help shape the Local Plan.
1) Redditch Borough Council Local Development Scheme 2025 is approved as the Council’s programme for plan-making, effective as of 24th February 2025; and
2) delegated authority be granted to the Assistant Director for Planning and Leisure Services, following consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Regeneration and Governance, to approve updates to the Local Development Scheme as required.