Issue - meetings

Capital Programme - 2008/09 Outturn

Meeting: 10/06/2009 - Executive (Item 21)

21 Capital Programme -Outturn 2008/09 pdf icon PDF 125 KB

To consider the actual expenditure on the Capital Programme compared to the final revised estimate for 2008/09.


(Report attached)

Additional documents:




1)                 the report be noted; and


2)                 the reported overspend of £53,000 on Disabled Equipment and Adaptations be met from the Housing Revenue Account.


The Committee received a report on the actual expenditure and funding of the Capital Programme for 2008/09.  Officers reported that the approved Capital Programme for 2008/09 totalled £14.2 million and that the Programme included a number of schemes that spanned more than one financial year.  Members were informed that Appendix 1 of the report showed actual expenditure of £11.9 million of which £1.4 million had been included for work in progress.  Appendix 1 also showed the variances between the budget and actual spend. 


Officers advised that there had been an overspend on Disabled Equipment and Adaptations (C1222) because two jobs, both subject to internal audit investigations, had cost significantly more than originally anticipated.  It was also reported that a further report on the Redevelopment of Church Hill (C1120) would be prepared for a future meeting of the Committee.




1)                 the report be noted; and


2)                 the reported overspend of £53,000 on Disabled Equipment and Adaptations be met from the Housing Revenue Account.