Issue - meetings

Hewell Road Swimming Pool - Virement Request

Meeting: 01/07/2009 - Executive (Item 46)

46 Hewell Road Swimming Pool - Reallocation of Capital Funding pdf icon PDF 120 KB

To seek Members’ approval to reallocation of capital expenditure at Hewell Road Swimming Pool.


(Report attached)




approval be given for the reallocation f the previously approved sum of £44,000 for filter refurbishment to the more urgent priority of electrical upgrade at Hewell Road Swimming Pool within the Capital Programme; and




approval be given to incur up to the expenditure detailed above, in accordance with Standing Order 41.


The Committee received a request that a sum of money which had been committed to the refurbishment of filters at the Hewell Road Swimming Pool within the Capital Programme be reallocated to a more urgent priority, that of an electrical upgrade at the same facility.


Members acknowledged that there was little alternative to the recommended course of action in order to keep the facility in operation and were pleased to note that disruption to the users of the facility would be kept to a minimum during the course of the works.




approval be given for the reallocation f the previously approved sum of £44,000 for filter refurbishment to the more urgent priority of electrical upgrade at Hewell Road Swimming Pool within the Capital Programme; and




approval be given to incur up to the expenditure detailed above, in accordance with Standing Order 41.