Issue - meetings

Business Centre Review

Meeting: 16/06/2010 - Executive (Item 31)

31 Business Centre Review pdf icon PDF 127 KB

To consider the function and role of business centres, with particular regard to strategic benefits, performance and management.


(Report attached)



To consider a referral from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee with regard to this report.


(Report to follow)


Additional documents:




1)      the Borough Council continue to own / lease and manage all three business centres;


2)      the aim of the business centres be to provide accommodation and support to as many businesses as possible, having a mixture of maturities, that realises the Borough Council’s wider objectives to boost enterprise and employment across the Borough as a whole (the business centres should be viewed as an economic development asset, contributing to the process of creating and supporting a prosperous community); 


3)      in the first instance, Officers be instructed to improve occupancy and business support, with regard to helping start, grow, retain and attract businesses (Appendix 5 to the report outlines the matters which Officers shall consider in this respect);


4)      Officers be instructed to investigate how the business centres’ expenditure can be reduced and income better maximised (Appendix 5 outlines the matters which Officers shall consider in this respect);

5)      the recommendations be reviewed in three years, as key factors may have changed in that time – or earlier if urgent matters arise which need examining or changing;




6)         further authority be delegated to the Head of Planning & Regeneration,  Business Centres Manager, or Economic Development Manager, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder, so that occupancy and performance can be improved, as detailed in Appendix 6 to the report.


The Committee received a report on the performance of the business centres administered by the Council, which also clarified their role and purpose.


Members were informed that the report circulated to this Committee had included all amendments suggested following pre scrutiny by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 2nd June 2010 and outlined in the referral from that Committee.




1)      the Borough Council continue to own / lease and manage all three business centres;


2)      the aim of the business centres be to provide accommodation and support to as many businesses as possible, having a mixture of maturities, that realises the Borough Council’s wider objectives to boost enterprise and employment across the Borough as a whole (the business centres should be viewed as an economic development asset, contributing to the process of creating and supporting a prosperous community); 


3)      in the first instance, Officers be instructed to improve occupancy and business support, with regard to helping start, grow, retain and attract businesses (Appendix 5 to the report outlines the matters which Officers shall consider in this respect);


4)      Officers be instructed to investigate how the business centres’ expenditure can be reduced and income better maximised (Appendix 5 outlines the matters which Officers shall consider in this respect);

5)      the recommendations be reviewed in three years, as key factors may have changed in that time – or earlier if urgent matters arise which need examining or changing;




6)         further authority be delegated to the Head of Planning & Regeneration,  Business Centres Manager, or Economic Development Manager, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder, so that occupancy and performance can be improved, as detailed in Appendix 6 to the report.