Issue - meetings

Introductory Tenancies

Meeting: 28/10/2009 - Executive (Item 163)

163 Introductory Tenancies pdf icon PDF 164 KB

To consider a proposal to introduce Introductory Tenancies.


(Report attached)




the Council adopts the use of Introductory Tenancies for all new tenants with effect from January 2010.


The Committee received a report which sought the adoption of Introductory Tenancies for all new tenants with Redditch Borough Council.


Officers reported that an Introductory Tenancy was one which would last initially for a twelve month period during which time the tenant would effectively be on probation.  At the end of the twelve month period, if the Introductory Tenancy had been conducted satisfactorily, it would automatically become secure.  In the event that further help or support was required the Introductory Tenancy could be extended for a further six months.


Members were informed that evidence from Social Landlords who had adopted Introductory Tenancies had found that they had assisted in identifying vulnerable clients who might be at risk of losing their tenancy.  This had enabled help and support to be provided at an early stage to sustain the tenancy.  It had also been found to be effective in assisting landlords to tackle persistent or serious antisocial behaviour more quickly and without involving victims in court.


Consultation had taken place with positive feedback from the Community Forum and Neighbourhood Groups.




the Council adopts the use of Introductory Tenancies for all new tenants with effect from January 2010.