Issue - meetings

Disabled Facilities Grant and the Lifetime Grant

Meeting: 07/10/2009 - Executive (Item 146)

146 Disabled Facilities Grant and the Lifetime Grant pdf icon PDF 159 KB

To report on the actual expenditure and commitment for the Disabled Facilities Grant (2009/10) and the Lifetime Grant (2009/10) provided to enable elderly or disabled home owners in the Borough to live independently. 


(Report attached)




1)        the contents of the report relating to budget spend for the Disabled Facilities Grant and Lifetime Grant for 2009/10 be noted; and




2)         a re-allocation of funding in the sum of £50,000 from the existing Lifetime Grant capital funding for 2009/10, to the Disabled Facilities Grant funding be approved.


(Officers undertook to provide a written response to Members in respect of the use, if any, that the Council made of second hand equipment, particularly stairlifts.


The Chair proposed that the investigation of possible actions to reduce the Priority waiting list be referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.)


The Committee received a report setting out the expenditure for the current year for the Disabled Facilities Grant and the Lifetime Grants provided by the Council to elderly and disabled homeowners. The report highlighted the benefits of reallocating a proportion of the Lifetime Grant funding to the money available for the Disabled Facilities Grant as there was projected to be an underspend on the former and an overspend on the latter.


Members recognised the tremendous benefits of these services both in terms of allowing individuals to live independently and, consequently, as an example of spending to save over the longer term. The Committee was reassured that the reallocation of funds would not disadvantage grant recipients and also that the service worked hard, in concert with the Occupational Therapy service, to ensure that the Council achieved value for money from the adaptations that were carried out.


Officers undertook to provide a written response to Members in respect of the use, if any, that the Council made of second hand equipment, particularly stairlifts.


The Chair proposed that the investigation of possible actions to reduce the Priority waiting list be referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.




1)        the contents of the report relating to budget spend for the Disabled Facilities Grant and Lifetime Grant for 2009/10 be noted; and




2)         a re-allocation of funding in the sum of £50,000 from the existing Lifetime Grant capital funding for 2009/10, to the Disabled Facilities Grant funding be approved.