Issue - meetings

Executive Committee

Meeting: 26/10/2009 - Council (Item 66)

66 Executive Committee pdf icon PDF 14 KB

A.        To formally receive the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee on 12th and 26th August 2009


(All decisions here have previously been fully resolved. There are no outstanding recommendations or referrals which require the Council’s consideration.)


B.        To receive the minutes and consider the recommendations and/or referrals from the following meetings of the Executive Committee:


16th September 2009


Matters requiring the Council’s consideration include:


·        Complaints Policy – Reviewed Procedure;

·        Town Centre Strategy;

·        Decent Homes Capital Programme;

·        Redditch Crematorium – Cremator Replacement and Building Upgrades;

·        Redditch Open Air Market – Market Regulations 2009/2010;

·        Arrow Valley Countryside Centre – Installation of Bus Stop;

·        Business Case – Shared Services for CCTV and Lifeline; and

·        Business Case – Shared Services for ICT Services.


22nd September 2009


Matters requiring the Council’s consideration include:


·        Benefits Service Improvement Plan – Quarterly Monitoring Report; and

·        Abbey Stadium Sports Centre.


(Minutes circulated in Minute Book 4 2009/10 – to follow)


C.        To receive the decision notices and consider the recommendations and/or referrals from the following meeting of the Executive Committee:


7th October 2009


Matters requiring the Council’s consideration include:


·        Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy; and

·        Disabled Facilities Grant and the Lifetime Grant.


(Decision Notice attached)


Any matters arising, not covered elsewhere in the agenda, will be considered under this heading).


Confidential matters may be taken after the Exclusion of the Public, subject to notification at this point in the meeting.

Additional documents:


Members received the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee held on 12th and 26th August and 16th and 22nd September 2009 and the decision notices of the meeting of the Executive Committee on 7th October 2009.




1)         the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee held on 12th and 26th August 2009 be received and adopted, subject to:


in respect of Minute 82 (Church Hill District Centre – Redevelopment Update) it being further resolved that the desire of the pupils at Church Hill Middle School to be involved in the design of aspects of the Centre be factored into the consideration of this scheme in due course;


2)         the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 16th September 2009 be received and all recommendations approved subject to:


in respect of Minute 127 Development Opportunities – Dingleside and Ipsley) it being noted that Councillor Hartnett wished to receive confirmation from Officers that Redditch Co-op Homes did not have an interest as a possible developer of the Auxerre Avenue site;


3)         the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 22nd September 2009 be received and all recommendations approved; and


4)         the decision notice of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 7th October 2009 be received and all recommendations adopted, subject to:


in respect of Minute 155 (REDI Centre – Leasing Options) it being noted that Officers were to provide a briefing note to all Members outlining the latest position with regard to the leasing of the REDI Centre.


(Prior to consideration of this item, and in accordance with the requirements of Section 81 of the Local Government Act 2000, Councillor Braley declared a personal and prejudicial interest in view of his position as a Corporation Governor of NEW College, a body which now had an interest as a possible lessee of, and service provider at, the REDI Centre.)