Issue - meetings

Local Strategic Partnership (LSP)

Meeting: 25/11/2009 - Overview and Scrutiny (Item 126)

Local Strategic Partnership (LSP)

To receive a presentation on the Local Strategic Partnership


(Oral report)


The Committee received a Power Point presentation on the role and work of the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP).


Officers reported that the LSP:


a)           brought together the different parts of the public sector as well as private, business, community and voluntary sectors to tackle local problems:

b)           was a non-statutory, non-executive organisation;

c)            had no particular resources but relied instead on pooling of resources between Partnership member organisations; and

d)           facilitated strategic decision making enabling action to be taken at community level.


Members were informed that the Redditch Partnership, administered and supported by Redditch Borough Council staff, formed the Local Strategic Partnership for Redditch and was made up of the Partnership Management Board, Themed Groups and Task and Finish Groups.


Officers explained that the roles of the Redditch Partnership included:


a)           preparation and implementation of the Redditch Sustainable Community Strategy. (SCS).

b)           assisting in coordinating delivery of the Local Area Agreement, both at County and District levels;

c)            taking responsibility and leading on performance of services in the locality, which was important for the Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA) process; and

d)           bringing together local plans and partner initiatives.


Membership of the Partnership Management Board included:


a)           Redditch Borough Council;


b)           Worcestershire County Council;


c)            West Mercia Police;


d)           Worcestershire NHS;


e)           Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue;


f)              Redditch NEW College;



g)           Chamber of Commerce;


h)            Redditch Community Safety Partnership;


i)              Bromsgrove and Redditch Network (BARN); and


j)              a representative form the Redditch Community Forum.




the report noted.