243 Planning Services - Increase in Charging for Pre-Application Discussions PDF 158 KB
To consider changes to the charging structure for non statutory planning advice to provide consistency county-wide.
(Report and Appendix 1 attached. Appendix 2 to follow.)
Additional documents:
1) the schedule of charges, detailed at Appendix 1, be adopted and implemented by Planning Services from 1st April 2010; and
2) authority be delegated to Officers to maintain the fees at a standard county-wide level in future.
(Officers were asked to circulate Appendix 2 prior to the meeting of Council on 29th March 2010.)
Members considered a report which sought approval to alter the current scale of fees for Permitted Development enquiries and pre-application advice to a common county-wide scale of charges and approach to service provision and to maintain the fees at the same level as other districts within Worcestershire. Officers were asked to circulate Appendix 2 prior to the meeting of Council on 29th March 2010.
1) the schedule of charges, detailed at Appendix 1, be adopted and implemented by Planning Services from 1st April 2010; and
2) authority be delegated to Officers to maintain the fees at a standard county-wide level in future.
(Officers were asked to circulate Appendix 2 prior to the meeting of Council on 29th March 2010.)