Issue - meetings

Public Open Space Consultation Summary and Asset Disposal Programme Update

Meeting: 27/01/2010 - Executive (Item 216)

216 Public Open Space Consultation Summary and Asset Disposal Programme Update pdf icon PDF 164 KB

To consider comments received as a result of the advertising and consultation undertaken in relation to the proposed disposal of various areas of Public Open Space and to seek approval to progress development and declare additional assets surplus to be included in the Asset Disposal Programme.


(Report attached)

Additional documents:




1)         the comments received regarding the proposed disposals be noted;


2)         the sites in Appendix 1, with the exception of Site 2 (Brooklands Lane), Site 6 (Harport Road), Site 8 (Hunt End Lane) and Site 10 (MoorcroftGardens), be approved for continued inclusion in the Asset Disposal Programme;


3)         the site at the corner of Winyates Way and Moons Moat Drive shown identified on plan 17 in Appendix 2 be declared surplus;


4)         31 Mount Pleasant identified on plan 19 in Appendix 2 be declared surplus; and


5)         authority be delegated to the Property Services Manager in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to progress and conclude disposals of assets contained in the Asset Disposal Programme.


(Officers commented that Site 3 (Clifton Close) was in Matchborough Ward and not Lodge Park as incorrectly stated in Appendix 1.


The Head of Legal, Democratic and Property Services stated that, in her opinion, no Members of the Planning Committee had fettered their discretion in any subsequent Planning Committee deliberations through their involvement in the decision-making on the above matters.)


The comments received as a result of the advertising and consultation undertaken in respect of the proposed disposal of various areas of Public Open Space were considered. Approximately 2,500 individual comments had been received which had been collated by Officers. It was recommended by Officers that two sites be no longer retained in the Asset Disposal Programme, Site 8 (Hunt End Lane) and Site 10 (Moorcroft Gardens) for reasons stated in the report . Officers also commented that Site 3 (Clifton Close) was in Matchborough Ward and not Lodge Park as incorrectly stated in Appendix 1.


It was proposed by Members that two further sites be removed from the Programme, Site 2 (Brooklands Lane) and Site 6 (Harport Road), the first primarily because it formed a part of Arrow Valley Park and the second primarily because of its importance as a buffer to noise pollution from the Warwick Highway.


Site 7 (Heathfield Road) and Site 13 (Petton Close) were also discussed at some length but Members as a whole were not convinced by the arguments for not retaining them on the Programme at this stage. Site 7 was reported to have benefits in terms of car parking in particular at the present time and there was some question over the existing amenity value of Site 13.


The Head of Legal, Democratic and Property Services stated that, in her opinion, no Members of the Planning Committee had fettered their discretion in any subsequent Planning Committee deliberations through their involvement in the decision-making on the above matters.




1)         the comments received regarding the proposed disposals be noted;


2)         the sites in Appendix 1, with the exception of Site 2 (Brooklands Lane), Site 6 (Harport Road), Site 8 (Hunt End Lane) and Site 10 (MoorcroftGardens), be approved for continued inclusion in the Asset Disposal Programme;


3)         the site at the corner of Winyates Way and Moons Moat Drive shown identified on plan 17 in Appendix 2 be declared surplus;


4)         31 Mount Pleasant identified on plan 19 in Appendix 2 be declared surplus; and


5)         authority be delegated to the Property Services Manager in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to progress and conclude disposals of assets contained in the Asset Disposal Programme.