Issue - meetings

Executive Committee

Meeting: 22/02/2010 - Council (Item 113)

113 Executive Committee - Urgent Referrals pdf icon PDF 143 KB

To consider a number of urgent referrals from the Executive Committee which relate to financial decisions relevant to tonight’s business. (Other matters will be reported to the next ordinary meeting of the Council on 29th March 2010.)

  • Initial Estimates 2010/11
  • Arrow Valley Countryside Centre

(The individual decisions from the meeting of the Executive Committee on 3rd February (attached) and 17th February 2010 (to follow) refer.)

Additional documents:


The Council considered the recommendations of the Executive Committee which related to financial decisions relevant to the setting of the Council Tax later in the meeting.


Members were supportive of the proposals for the Countryside Centre, viewing this as an excellent opportunity to enhance and expand the experience offered to users of the Centre and the Park.


The Initial Estimates for 2010/11 were agreed without further comment.




INITIAL ESTIMATES 2010/11 (3rd February 2010)


1)         the Initial Estimates for 2010/11 be approved;


2)         the Revenue Bids categorised as unavoidable and high detailed in Appendix 14 to the report be approved , as follows: 


2010/11          £279,210

2011/12          £  98,210

2012/13          £  97,210


3)         The General Fund bids for capital resources categorised as high set out in Appendix 15 to the report be approved, as follows:


2010/11          £325,000

2011/12          £165,000

2012/13          £845,000;


together with the associated revenue implications as follows:


2010/11          £  6,500

2011/12          £54,200

2012/13          £96,400

Future years £188,800;


4)         the proposal for how the Further Support for Town Centre Grant is utilised as set out in Appendix 17 to the report be approved;


5)         the bids as recommended by Overview and Scrutiny Committee be approved as follows:


2nd December 2009 - Redditch Matters to be published quarterly.  Cost of an additional edition £6,000;


6)         the bid for Church Hill District Centre Redevelopment for £60,000 2010/11 which was approved in principle at Council on 7th December 2009, be approved;


7)         that any Direct Action - Enforcement expenditure be funded from balances, pending recovery from the third party, and officers report back to Members on the success of any recovery action;


8)         that any bids not approved at this stage be brought back to this Committee for reconsideration once the outturn position for 2009/10 is known;


9)         the bid of £6,000 for the repair and maintenance of street lighting be included in the Initial Estimates 2010/11;




10)      Option Four Private Sector Management be approved as the way forward for the delivery of the ArrowValley Countryside Centre Service;


11)      the Centre be renamed the ArrowValleyPark Visitor Centre for the reasons highlighted within the report;


12)      authority be delegated to the Head of Leisure and Cultural Services to progress the preferred option;


13)      the consultants Rural Development Services UK Ltd be contracted to continue to work with officers to progress the preferred option at a cost detailed in the report; and


14)      the £6,000 required to continue the work be met from General Fund Revenue balances.