Issue - meetings

Quarterly Performance Monitoring - Quarter 4 - January to March 2010

Meeting: 16/06/2010 - Executive (Item 24)

24 Quarterly Performance Monitoring - Quarter 4 - January to March 2010 pdf icon PDF 72 KB

To consider the quarterly performance report, showing indictors which have improved, declined or remained static when compared to the same period in the previous year.


(Report attached / Appendix to follow)

Additional documents:




the update on key performance indicators for the period ending March 2010 be noted.


(Officers undertook to provide:


i)                    Councillor Chance with additional information on the percentage of Council Tax collected by the Authority in the year (BV009) and One Stop Shop: customer satisfaction (WMO 003)

ii)                  All members of the Executive Committee with information relating to adult participation in sport and active recreation (NI008) both countywide and nationally.)


The Committee received a report on the Council’s performance for quarter 4 of the 2009/10 financial year.


Officers reported that data had been provided for 59 indicators for the quarter.  Of these, 35 had improved in performance and 15 had declined.  In addition 9 indicators had remained static but 6 of these were already at optimum performance and, therefore, no improvement was possible.


Members were informed that data from external sources had not been received for a further 12 indicators and that the time lag for receipt of such data could be up to 12 months.  The performance indicator set for 2010/11 had been revised to exclude these long term indicators.  However, they would be included in the Sustainable Community Strategy for future reporting.


Members noted the improvements in performance for the quarter.


Officers undertook to provide Councillor Chance with additional information on the percentage of Council Tax collected by the Authority in the year (BV009) and One Stop Shop: customer satisfaction (WMO 003) and all members of the Executive Committee with information relating to adult participation in sport and active recreation (NI008) both countywide and nationally.




the update on key performance indicators for the period ending March 2010 be noted.