Issue - meetings

Budget 2011/12 - Update

Meeting: 12/01/2011 - Executive (Item 151)

151 Update of Medium Term Financial Plan 2011/12 - 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 100 KB

To consider an update on the draft budget for 2011/12.


(Report attached)

Additional documents:




1)      the revenue bids 2011/12 – 2013/14 as identified in Appendix A be noted;


2)      the new capital bids  2011/12 – 2013/14 at Appendix B be noted and the priority categorisation of the following bid be amended:


Solar Panels (POLICY AND COMMUNICATIONS)  - upgrade from MEDIUM to HIGH; and


3)      Heads of Service be requested to continue to review the budget with the aim of presenting a balanced position to the Executive Committee meeting in February 2011.


(It was noted that the figure of £13K for the Development Training Programme  in the Revenue Bids was for all three years, not just 2011/12 as stated in the report.


Members highlighted their intention to accept only those bids were categorised as high priority bids.)


Officers set out the financial position that was facing the Council at the present time, with a requirement to achieve a 26% reduction in expenditure over the next two years which was clearly a challenging target. There was an unresolved issue over money allocated for the provision of the Dial-a Ride service by the Council and it was hoped that the £400,000 concerned would be reinstated on appeal.


The Council was working on the assumption that significant shortfalls would need to be met over the next two years and that, as a consequence, there would be a number of implications. The three-year Shared Services programme was to be accelerated in order that savings could be achieved over a shorter timescale. It was also intended to draw down balances to help achieve a balanced budget for the coming financial year. The focus for 2011/12 was on efficiency and the use of balances, giving Members greater scope to consider the options for achieving a further balanced budget for 2012/13.


The Committee had before it the proposals for capital and revenue bids for the coming three years and was being asked to determine whether it considered that the bids had been accorded the correct level of priority. Members highlighted their intention to accept only those bids that were categorised as high priority bids and the only proposal for a change in prioritisation was in respect of the Solar Panels capital bid.


It was noted that the figure of £13K for the Development Training Programme  in the Revenue Bids was for all three years, not just 2011/12 as stated in the report.




1)      the revenue bids 2011/12 – 2013/14 as identified in Appendix A be noted;


2)      the new capital bids  2011/12 – 2013/14 at Appendix B be noted and the priority categorisation of the following bid be amended:


Solar Panels (POLICY AND COMMUNICATIONS)  - upgrade from MEDIUM to HIGH; and


3)      Heads of Service be requested to continue to review the budget with the aim of presenting a balanced position to the Executive Committee meeting in February 2011.