Issue - meetings

Quarterly Performance Monitoring - Quarter 3 - September to December 2010

Meeting: 15/03/2011 - Executive (Item 195)

195 Quarterly Performance Monitoring - Quarter 3 - September to December 2010 pdf icon PDF 95 KB

To consider the quarterly performance report, showing indicators which have improved, declined or remained static when compared to the same period in the previous financial year.


(Report attached)

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The Committee considered a quarterly performance report, which showed indicators that had improved, declined or remained static when compared with the same period in the previous financial year.


Officers reported that of the 41 indicators reported this quarter, 46.3% had improved compared to the same period last year.


Three indicators were highlighted as showing particular concern:


a)     BV 012 – the number of working days / shifts lost to the Local Authority due to sickness absence per full time equivalent staff member has increased from 6.71 days to 7.84 days when compared to the same period last year;

b)     BV 079b(i) – the amount of housing benefit overpayments recovered as a percentage of all housing benefit overpayments, when compared to the same period last year, has dropped from 77.35% to 73.82%; and

c)      NI 192 – the percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting has dropped from 28.68% to 27.6% when compared to the same period last year and from 31.26%, compared to the same period in 2008/09.  This shows that over a two year period there has been a 3.66 percentage point drop in the amount of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting.




the report be noted.