Issue - meetings

Quarterly Monitoring - Formal Complaints and Compliments - Quarter 4 - January to March 2011

Meeting: 21/06/2011 - Executive (Item 22)

22 Quarterly Monitoring of Complaints and Compliments - Quarter 4 - January to March 2011 pdf icon PDF 77 KB

To consider a report which provides a quarterly update on Formal Complaints and Compliments received by the Council.


(Report attached)

Additional documents:


The Committee received the report on complaints and compliments for the final quarter of 2010/11, the last occasion the information would be provided using the recently superseded recording process.


Performance over the course of the year had demonstrated an improvement in response times to complaints, notwithstanding a dip in performance in the final quarter. This was largely attributed to the nature and complexity of a number of recent complaints. Officers informed the Committee that the new recording process would hopefully lead to an increase in the numbers of complaints being reported as they were an invaluable tool in driving forward improvement across the range of Council services. Likewise, the low numbers of compliments recorded was attributed to the difficulty in capturing this data.


The telephone answering times for the Council’s contact centre were an area that had been the subject of much interest over a significant period of time and Officers reported that staffing levels were profiled to take account of anticipated periods of high activity.



the update on complaints and compliments for the period

January - March 2011 be noted.