Issue - meetings

Quarterly Performance Monitoring - Quarter 1 - April to June 2011

Meeting: 13/09/2011 - Executive (Item 79)

79 Quarterly Performance Monitoring - Quarter 1 - April to June 2011 pdf icon PDF 65 KB

To consider the quarterly performance report, showing indicators which have improved, declined or remained static when compared to the same period in the previous financial year.


(Report attached)

Additional documents:


Members considered a report highlighting key areas of the Council’s performance over the first quarter of the 2011/12 financial year.


Officers reported on actions being taken to address two of the areas of concern. It was reported that a time limit on getting invoices paid by the Council signed off and payments made was to be instituted by Senior Management. The increase in the number of British Crime Survey comparator crimes had been brought to the attention of the Redditch Community Safety Partnership and was to be addressed through that body.


Members requested that, for those indicators where there was currently no data available, the indicators only be incorporated within the report at year end once there was data available. Members also suggested that the direction of travel for visits to the Arrow Valley Countryside Centre was misleading and should be removed and the commentary reflect that Officers were unable to accurately report attendance figures due to the automatic counting system being inoperable for a period of time.


Officers undertook to meet with Councillor Malcolm Hall following the meeting to discuss the programme of events provided at the Palace Theatre.




the update on key performance indicators for the period ending 30th June 2011 be noted.