Issue - meetings

Redditch Council Plan 2011-14

Meeting: 31/05/2011 - Executive (Item 6)

6 Redditch Council Plan 2011-14 pdf icon PDF 66 KB

The Council Plan sets out the vision for Redditch Borough Council including its strategic priorities.  It details the key deliverables that will contribute to achieving each of the agreed priorities.


The comments and recommendation of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the Council Plan are attached at Item 10 on this agenda.


(Report attached)

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report on and copy of the draft Redditch Council Plan 2011-14 for approval.


Officers reported that the Council Plan, and associated Action Plan, had been developed to reflect the Council’s vision as ‘an enterprising community, which is safe, clean and green’ as well as a fourth overarching priority to be a well-managed organisation.


Members noted the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee from their meeting on 13th April when they considered the draft plan for pre-scrutiny.




The Council Plan 2011 – 2014, attached at Appendix 1 of the report, be approved.