Issue - meetings

Joint Scrutiny Exercise on Flooding

Meeting: 09/04/2008 - Overview and Scrutiny (Item 168)

168 Joint Scrutiny Exercise on Flooding pdf icon PDF 43 KB

To consider further developments in the joint scrutiny exercise on flooding.


(Report attached)



Members noted the contents of the reports attached to the agenda.


Members asked Officers, on behalf of the Committee, to thank Councillor Chalk for his work on the Joint Scrutiny Exercise.


Officers explained that the Operations Manager had also been attending County Officer-level meetings on flooding and that he too had been commended for his work.


Members raised concerns about the blocked condition of Batchley Brook, the ditches in the woods behind Poplar Road, and the river at the bend in Abbeydale, close to the allotments.


The Chair suggested that, owing to Member interest, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee should review the issue of ditches, and the resources required to maintain or clean them, following completion of the Joint Scrutiny Exercise into Flooding.  This review could take the form of either a short, sharp parent Committee debate or a Task and Finish review.




1)   Officers pass on the Committee’s thanks to Councillor Chalk for his work on the Joint Scrutiny Exercise;


2)   Officers provide further information about work being done to address the condition of the Batchley ditches;


3)   Officers add the review of ditches to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme; and


4)   the report be noted and the proposed action detailed in the preamble above agreed.