Issue - meetings

Initial Estimates Report 2011/12 - 2013/14

Meeting: 21/02/2011 - Council (Item 104)

Initial Estimates Report 2011/12 - 2013/14

On the resumption of the meeting, to receive and consider recommendations from the Executive Committee and to pass the appropriate resolutions in respect of the Initial Estimates 2011/12 – 2013/14.


(Executive Committee Report refers)


The Council considered the recommendations of the Executive Committee for the Initial Estimates for the period 2011/12 to 2013/14 and high priority capital and revenue bids, unavoidable pressures and savings for the same period.


It was apparent that the Council faced challenging times ahead and the proposals put forward by the Executive were calculated to be a considered response to a period of reduced central Government funding. The level of reserves being maintained was above the minimum considered necessary according to CIPFA guidance but was seen as financially prudent in a period of uncertainty.


The Council was focussing on economic development and remaining a well-managed organisation, with considerable savings to be achieved through shared services and business transformation. The matter of pre-9.30am concessionary fares was debated and it was reported that Officers had been requested to prepare a report on the capacity of the Dial-a-Ride service to serve the needs of those bus-pass holders who needed to travel at that time.




1)         the unavoidable pressures as identified in Appendix A to the report be approved:


2011/12          £498,000

2012/13          £408,000

2013/14          £408,000;


2)         the high bids as identified in Appendix B to the report be approved:


2011/12          £232,000

2012/13          £232,000

2013/14          £232,000;


3)         the savings as identified in Appendix C  to the report be approved:


2011/12          £1,802,000

2012/13          £3,444,000   

2013/14          £3,071,000;


4)         the high capital bids as detailed in Appendix D to the report be approved:


2011/12          £867,000 (General Fund)

                         £120,000 (Housing Revenue Account)

2012/13          £11,000 ( General Fund)

2013/14          £10,000 ( General Fund); and


5)         the use of balances totalling £515,000 be approved.