Issue - meetings

Fees and Charges Review 2011/12

Meeting: 21/02/2011 - Council (Item 103)

Fees and Charges Review 2011/12

On the resumption of the meeting, to receive and consider recommendations from the Executive Committee and to pass the appropriate resolutions in respect of the review of Fees and Charges 2011/12.


(Executive Committee Report refers)


The Council considered the recommendations from the Executive Committee on the Fees and Charges for 2011/12. Members were generally in agreement with the proposals for Fees and Charges although the possibility of Fees and Charges for 2012/13 being the subject of an in-depth review by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee was discussed. Officers highlighted the fact that the Overview and Scrutiny was at liberty to request a review of any Council function of this nature and did not require a Council resolution to carry out such a review.




the fees and charges for 2011/12 as set out in Appendix A-H be approved;


other than in cases where:-


a)      fees or charges are statutory


b)     fees and charges are set externally


c)      fees and charges are established under separate processes, for example Taxi fares.