Issue - meetings

Shared Service Business Case - Building Control

Meeting: 12/07/2011 - Executive (Item 35)

35 Shared Service Business Case - Building Control

To consider a referral from the Shared Service Board regarding the Building Control Shared Service Business Case.


[The report may contain exempt information as defined in S.100 of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006, as they may contain information relating to contemplated consultations or negotiations in connection with labour relation matters arising between the authority and employees of the authority.  In view of this it is anticipated that discussion of these matters will take place after the exclusion of the public.]


(Report attached – minutes of the meeting of the Shared Services Board to follow.)

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report on the Shared Services Business Case – Building Control to provide a shared service for Bromsgrove District Council, Redditch Borough Council and Wyre Forest District Council, which had been considered by the Shared Services Board on 30th June 2011.


Members noted the recommendations of the Shared Services Board.




1)                 in accordance with the agreed PID dated 9th December 2010, the three partner Councils proceed with the creation of the shared service in accordance with recommendation 6 of the report: the delivery of Shared Building Control Services, provided by a single Team, hosted by Bromsgrove District Council;

2)                 implementation costs be shared on the same basis as the total revised service costs amongst the three Councils to reflect the percentage of the initial budget allocation into the service (as detailed at Appendix 5 to the report); this to be subject to final financial agreements being in place between the partner authorities; and

3)                 the new service be known as ‘NorthWorcestershireBuilding Control’ and use a service specific logo and document templates, the design of which is to be formally agreed before the completion of this project.

(During consideration of this item Members discussed matters that necessitated the disclosure of exempt information. It was therefore agreed to exclude the press and public prior to any debate on the grounds that information would be revealed relating to consultations or negotiations, or contemplated consultations or negotiations in connection with labour relations matters arising between the authority and employees of, the authority.  However, there is nothing exempt in this record of the proceedings.)