Issue - meetings

Shared Services Business Cases - Remaining Services

Meeting: 23/08/2011 - Executive (Item 72)

72 Shared Services Business Case - Car Parking

To consider a referral from the Shared Services Board regarding:


a)      a proposal to adopt Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) on street in Bromsgrove;

b)     a shared service between Wychavon District Council, Redditch Borough Council and Bromsgrove District Council’s car parking.


(Reports previously circulated to the Shared Services Board on 11th August 2011.  Minutes to be circulated following the Board meeting on 18th August 2011.)


[The report is exempt, as defined in S.100 of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006, as it contains information relating to individual employees and contemplated consultations or negotiations in connection with labour relation matters arising between the authority and employees of the authority, disclosure of which is not considered to be in the public’s best interest.


In view of this it is anticipated that discussion of these matters will take place after the exclusion of the public.]


Additional documents:


The Committee received a report on the Shared Services Business Case – Car Parking, which had been considered by the Shared Services Board on 18th August 2011.


Members noted the recommendations of the Shared Services Board.



1)                 Option 2 (to “extend Wychavon District Council’s Service to include Bromsgrove District Council”) be chosen as the preferred option for the future delivery of the shared Parking Service;

2)                 Bromsgrove District Council should introduce Civil (Decriminalised) Parking Enforcement in partnership with Wychavon District Council;

3)                 authority be delegated to the Head of Environmental Services to exercise the Council’s civil parking enforcement powers within the District of Bromsgrove, when civil parking enforcement within the District comes into effect;

4)                 the Council enter into a Deed of Arrangements with the Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London Adjudication Joint Committee for the functions in relation to adjudicators under Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004;

5)                 authority be delegated to the Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services to sign any necessary agreements or other documents to enable the introduction of civil parking enforcement within the District; and

6)                 up to £75,000 be made available within Bromsgrove District Council’s budgets to meet the set up costs of Civil Parking Enforcement.

(During consideration of this item Members discussed matters that necessitated the disclosure of exempt information. It was therefore agreed to exclude the press and public prior to any debate on the grounds that information would be revealed relating to consultations or negotiations, or contemplated consultations or negotiations in connection with labour relations matters arising between the authority and employees of, the authority.  However, there is nothing exempt in this record of the proceedings.)