Issue - meetings

Hewell Road Swimming Baths

Meeting: 04/10/2011 - Executive (Item 97)

97 Hewell Road Pool - Disposal pdf icon PDF 56 KB

To consider the disposal of the site of Hewell Road Pool following the opening of the new pool at Abbey Stadium.


(Report attached)

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report requesting approval to dispose of the site of Hewell Road Pool following opening of the new pool at Abbey Stadium.


Members were advised that the site map, attached to the report, should have included the playground area.  Officers confirmed that a play area could be relocated on the site following development or replaced elsewhere using S 106 monies.


Officers reported that the site was considered a ‘high risk’ and should be demolished on closure.




1)         the site of Hewell Road Pool be declared surplus upon the opening of the new pool at the Abbey Stadium;


2)         arrangements be made for the demolition and security of the site prior to disposal;


3)         Officers be instructed to identify options for disposing of the site for residential use;


4)         authority be given for expenditure for up to the sum detailed in 5), below, for the reasons summarised in the report; and




5)         a sum of up to £210,000 be allocated in the Capital Programme to cover the cost of demolition and security of the site and the Capital programme be amended accordingly.