99 Quarterly Budget Monitoring - Quarter 2 - July to September 2012 PDF 98 KB
To provide Members with an overview of the budget, including the achievement of approved savings as at the end of Quarter 2, 2012/13.
(Report attached)
The Committee received the report on the previous quarter’s Budget position. Officers highlighted the fact that this was the first occasion on which Members were being presented with a projected year-end position. Current indications were that there was expected to be a shortfall of £48,000 by the end of the current year. Heads of Service were tasked with identifying means of addressing this shortfall prior to the year-end. Capital spending was reported to be in line with projections.
Members were updated on the spend on the Disabled Facilities Grants. It was noted that there was going to be a significant underspend on this budget although this did not reflect a fall-off in the numbers of applications for Grants but rather a drop in the value of the Grants being sought.
the current financial position on Revenue and Capital be noted, as detailed in the report.