Issue - meetings

Income Management and Payment Card Industry (PCI PA-DSS) Compliance

Meeting: 26/06/2012 - Executive (Item 18)

18 Income Management and Payment Card Industry Compliance pdf icon PDF 57 KB

To seek approval for a bid for capital resources to enable the Council to have an Information Management System that is PCI PA-DSS compliant.


(Report attached)


Members received a report which set out proposals to upgrade or replace the current income management system in order to ensure that the system used by the Council was PCI PA-DSS compliant. It was noted that a failure to demonstrate compliance could result in a fine for the Council or the withdrawal of the facility to accept card payments.


Give that local authorities across the country were having to comply within the same timescales, Members were keen to ensure that the opportunities available for joint procurement be fully explored.




1)         prudential borrowing of up to £35k (revenue impact £3.6k p.a.) and additional maintenance costs of £5k to be met from revenue balances, be approved for the upgrade/replacement for the Northgate PARIS system in order to achieve compliance with the PCI PA-DSS standards; and


2)         a joint procurement exercise be undertaken with Bromsgrove District Council and the invitation to participate be extended to other authorities in the County.