Issue - meetings

Revision of the Medium Term Financial Plan

Meeting: 26/06/2012 - Executive (Item 17)

17 Revision of the Medium Term Financial Plan 2012/13 - 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 92 KB

To consider revisions to the Medium Term Financial Plan including the provision of concessionary bus travel prior to 9.30am and free swimming for under 16s / over 60s.


(Comments, recommendations and additional information requested from Officers from the meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 19th and 25th June 2012 attached)


Additional documents:


Members received a report which set out the proposed revisions to the Medium Term Financial Plan following the change in administration in May.


The Medium Term Financial Plan had been agreed in February and Members had requested that Officers assess the funding implications of a number of changes to the budget as currently approved. The services to be considered for funding included the provision of free swimming for under 16s and over 60s, pre-9.30 concessionary bus travel and the creation of an additional apprentice position.


There were a number of savings that were proposed to provide the funding required for the additional expenditure, including a reduction in the Council’s consultancy budget, the switch of Redditch Matters from a printed to an online publication, removal of the budget for a leisure options appraisal, a reduction of the Council’s advertising budget and the reduction of budgets for a number of capital schemes.


The Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee had considered the revision of the Medium Term Financial Plan at two meetings on 19th and 25th June 2012 and its comments and recommendations were reported to the Executive for  Members’ consideration. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee had concerns in particular over the reduction in the funding for capital repairs to public buildings and proposed that further time be allocated to developing a comprehensive financial statement on the revisions to the Medium Term Financial Plan. In response to a query as to why the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee might not address the Committee, the Chair explained that, although it was common practice for Overview and Scrutiny members to present Task and Finish reports, they had not ordinarily been invited to present recommendations arising from pre-scrutiny of Executive reports.


Clarification was sought on the exact terms of the apprenticeship being proposed, the nature of work and training to be undertaken and the level of remuneration offered. It was explained that the apprenticeship would be similar in nature and in terms of remuneration to those currently offered and the work, although including PAT testing, would encompass a wider range of functions.


The benefits of re-introducing free swimming for under 16s and over 60s were also discussed. The concern was expressed that the measure may simply lead to those who already swam swimming more frequently. However, against this, it was noted that attendances at the Council’s pools had increased significantly following the previous introduction of free swimming.


The reasons for the introduction of pre-9.30 concessionary travel were the subject of some debate, with the need for the Council to make use of its General Power of Competence in this regard being noted, the Council not being a statutory provider of discretionary travel. It was also noted that the introduction of this scheme was subject to the conclusion of negotiations with the County Council and the bus companies. It was hoped that the increase in subsidy for buses locally might improve the likelihood of greater service provision to the Alexandra Hospital.


The Committee did not  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17