Issue - meetings

Disposal of Property - Salop Road Community Centre and 132 Oakly Road

Meeting: 18/09/2012 - Executive (Item 70)

70 Disposal of Property - Salop Road Community Centre and 132 Oakly Road pdf icon PDF 52 KB

To seek approval for the disposal of Salop Road Community Centre and 132 Oakly Road


(Report attached)


Additional documents:


A report was considered which was requesting the Committee to declare two properties, the former Salop Road Community Centre and 132 Oakly Road, as surplus to requirements and thereby available for disposal.


Members were informed that both properties had been offered to Housing Services which had declined in both instances as neither property was deemed suitable for letting as part of the Council’s housing stock. In addition, the Salop Road property had been available for a number of years but Officers had been unable to let it to any other organisation.


Whilst the disposal of these two properties was supported on this occasion, there was some concern expressed that the Council develop a proper ongoing property strategy to avoid the possibility of an incremental diminution of the Council’s property assets. Officers confirmed that a review was taking place of wider public and community sector assets with a view to the development of a strategy in due course.




1)         the site of the former Community Centre at Salop Road; and


2)         the former refuge, 132 Oakly Road


be declared surplus to requirements and available for disposal.