Agenda item

Business Development and Community Interest Companies - Presentation

To receive a presentation on the subject of new businesses and Community Interest Companies and the support provided in Redditch to enable these organisations to develop.


(Presentation to follow)


Members received two presentations, the first on Business Development and the second on Community Interest Companies.


The first of the presentations outlined the support that was available to new, young and growing businesses in Redditch, primarily through the Enterprising Worcestershire vehicle which utilised European Regional Development Funding to provide business advice and grant funding for businesses in eligible sectors. Officers considered that the business advice was the most significant benefit on offer to those looking to start or develop a business. For businesses in non-ERDF eligible sectors there was also some grant funding available through Enterprising Worcestershire.


It was now proposed to extend the Programme until 2016 and a number of targets had been set locally. To date the programme was looking to deliver near to target in most areas although grant applications were low at present. Officers highlighted that the programme had not been running that long and it was expected that the majority of grant applications would come about later within the process of a business’s interaction with Enterprising Worcestershire. Finally, Officers highlighted the additional sources of support available to local businesses such as the Business Development Programme, the Growth Accelerator and the Green Bridge Supply Chain.


The Council advertised the business support available and maintained links with Job Centre Plus but was dependent on potential businesses approaching the Council to utilise the support on offer. It was suggested that a competition for new Redditch businesses might encourage and reward local entrepreneurial spirit. Officers were supportive of the principle but were aware that the critical mass of new businesses supported through the Enterprising Worcestershire Programme might not yet exist in Redditch.


The second presentation focussed on the support provided to the voluntary sector by the Council and its partners. The Council had a process for the provision of grant funding on an annual basis but there was also a great deal of training, support and mentoring carried out by the Council to assist this sector. This support included help in filling out application forms, identifying additional sources of funding and signposting groups to organisations and support opportunities such as the Bromsgrove and Redditch Network (BARN) and the Changing Futures Fund. These organisations were particularly useful in addressing questions as to the most appropriate form of voluntary sector organisation any particular group might choose to become.


Officers explained that the primary encouragement for the set up of new Community Interest Companies was through the provision of Stronger Community Grants of up to £500. Members were concerned that groups should be made more aware that the provision of these grants should be seen as the start of a process rather than an end in itself. Officers confirmed that a number of organisations did use this grant funding as a stepping stone whereas others simply sought support for one-off events. It was noted that even such one-off events could have a legacy in a particular locality, however. Members raised the possibility of an award for enterprising voluntary and community sector organisations within Redditch. Officers highlighted the supportive and collaborative nature of those working in this sector which generally ran counter to a spirit of competition.




the presentations be noted.