Agenda item

Executive Committee

To receive the minutes and consider the recommendations and/or referrals from the following meetings of the Executive Committee:


10th December 2013


Quarterly Budget Monitoring – 2nd Quarter 2013/14


(Report and Decision attached)


14th January 2014


Council Tax Base 2014/15


Local Council Tax Support Scheme 2014/15


Public Service Network Compliance at RBC


Polling Districts and Polling Places – Review 2013/14


(Reports attached – decisions to follow with Minutes)


(Minutes of the meeting on 10th December and 14th January attached)



The Council considered the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee held on 10th December 2013 and 14th January 2014.




1)        the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 10th December 2013 be received and all recommendations adopted subject to, in relation to Minute 96 (Options for Threadneedle House) it being noted that Officers were to provide Councillor Michael Braley with clarification as to whether the Post Office would remain on site as a continuing tenant of either a new owner or the Council in the event of a sale of the site; and


2)        the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 14th January 2014 be received and all recommendations adopted subject to,


i)          in relation to Minute 113 (Local Council Tax Support Scheme 2014/15), it being further RESOLVED that


the seventh bullet point in the main features of the Council Tax Hardship Fund as listed in Paragraph 1 (Background) of the Policy be clarified to provide that new applicants for funding can apply and be considered on a case by case basis as and when they become eligible for Council Tax Support; and


ii)         in relation to Minute 115 (Polling Districts and Polling Places – 2013/14 Review), it being further RESOLVED that


the new Polling District (BYD) referred to at Recommendation 1 b) be named Brockhill East.


Supporting documents: