Agenda item

Fees and Charges 2014/15 Report

To consider the proposed fees and charges for Council services in 2014/15.


(Report attached)


Officers presented the Fees and Charges Review 2014/15 report and in doing so highlighted the following:


·                The delegated powers for the Head of Leisure and Cultural Services in order for the fees and charges to be altered by a variation of up to 30% and the circumstances under which this would be applied.  Members requested a report outlining when this delegation had been exercised during the year.

·                An overall average increase of 3% had been applied.  Heads of Service had been encouraged to apply an increase of 2.5-3%.

·                The Dial A Ride service had not had an increase for the last two years.  The Older Peoples’ Forum had been consulted and had been happy for an increase to be applied.

·                The increase in charges for local community centres and the implications, if any, on the use of them by voluntary and community sector groups.

·                The rationale behind the off peak and peak time increase for squash courts.

·                The increase in charges for swimming lessons and adult entrance fees, together with the allocation for free swimming for those aged under 16 years and over 65 years.

·                Concessionary charges and the use of the Reddicard.

·                The merits of the bulky waste collection service.




the Fees and Charges Review 2014/15 Report be noted.


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