Agenda item

Motions on Notice

In accordance with Procedure Rule 11, the following Motion has been submitted for the Council’s consideration:-


Proposed by Councillor W Hartnett


Seconded by Councillor J Brunner



1.    in pursuance of the provisions of Section 249 (5) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Council admit the 37th Signal Regiment of the Royal Corps of Signals to be Honorary Freemen of the Borough of Redditch, in recognition of the voluntary service of men and women who serve in the Borough with the Regiment, which is based at Kohima House, and that the Regiment’s name be enrolled on the Freeman’s roll;


2.    the Common Seal of the Council be affixed to an Honorary Freedom Scroll to be presented to the Regiment as Honorary Freemen of the Borough; and


3.    arrangements be made for a freedom march to be undertaken by the Regiment in the Borough.


(A separate Order of Business will be available at the meeting.)


A Notice of Motion had been submitted by the Leader of the Council, Councillor Bill Hartnett in accordance with Procedure Rule 11. The Motion was in respect of the admission of the 37th Signal Regiment to be Honorary Freemen of the Borough. This was seconded by Councillor Juliet Brunner.


Prior to the debate, the Council was upstanding for the entrance of its honoured guests, representatives of the 37th Signal Regiment of the Royal Corps of Signals.


Councillor Hartnett, in speaking to his proposition, informed the Council of the rich history of the Regiment and of its strong links with the Borough, having been based at Kohima House in the Moons Moat area of Redditch since 1992. It was also noted that this was an auspicious year in which to confer this honour in that 2014 marked the 50th Anniversary of the founding of Redditch New Town and also the 100th Anniversary of the start of The Great War. The Regiment had seen deployment around the world including, during the present month, in Afghanistan.


Councillor Juliet Brunner expressed her pleasure in being able to second this Motion adding that this was a proud day upon which the town could appreciate and validate the wonderful service of the men and women of the Regiment.


The Council took a vote on the admission of the 37th Signal Regiment of the Royal Corps of Signals to be Honorary Freemen of the Borough and the Council approved the proposition unanimously.


Lieutenant Colonel Dominique Cairns, Commanding Officer of the 37th Signal Regiment spoke in response to the conferring of this honour by the Council. Lieutenant Colonel Cairns stated that this represented an incredibly proud evening for the Regiment and went on to express her pride at being in charge of the Regiment on the occasion of the conferring of this great honour and also in her being a Reservist.


Lieutenant Colonel Cairns spoke briefly of the duties of the Regiment, mentioning that it bolstered regular forces during missions overseas whilst at the same time providing assistance and support locally, such as during the recent episodes of flooding in Southern England. Lieutenant Colonel Cairns ended by stating that the Regiment considered itself an integral part of the local community and thanked the Mayor and the Council for the conferring of this honour.




1.            in pursuance of the provisions of Section 249 (5) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Council admit the 37th Signal Regiment of the Royal Corps of Signals to be Honorary Freemen of the Borough of Redditch, in recognition of the voluntary service of men and women who serve in the Borough with the Regiment, which is based at Kohima House, and that the Regiment’s name be enrolled on the Freeman’s roll;


2.            the Common Seal of the Council be affixed to an Honorary Freedom Scroll to be presented to the Regiment as Honorary Freemen of the Borough; and


3.            arrangements be made for a freedom march to be undertaken by the Regiment in the Borough.