Agenda item

Task Groups - Progress Reports

To consider progress to date on the current reviews against the terms set by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


The current reviews in progress are:


a)        Abbey Stadium Task Group – Chair, Councillor Gandy;


b)        Football Task Group – Chair, Councillor Bush;


c)         Joint WRS Scrutiny Review – lead Member, Councillor Mason;


d)        Landscaping Task Group – Chair, Councillor Hopkins; and


e)        Voluntary Sector Task Group – Chair, Councillor Witherspoon.


 (Verbal reports to follow and one written update attached)


The following updates in respect of current Task Group reviews were provided:


a)        Abbey Stadium Task Group – Chair, Councillor Carole Gandy


Councillor Gandy informed Members that the group had visited Stratford Leisure Centre which had been an interesting and useful visit and a good comparison to the visit they had made to Evesham Leisure Centre.  The group had also interviewed Councillor Mould as Portfolio for Leisure and Tourism and discussed with him the plans for the Abbey Stadium and the forthcoming business case. 


At a subsequent meeting Officers from Human Resources had been interviewed in respect of employment opportunities at the venue.  The group had also interviewed an apprentice working within the Democratic and Legal Services team to get an inside view of the support she was receiving and why she had chosen to take up an apprenticeship.


b)        Football Provision within the Borough Task Group – Chair, Councillor David Bush


Councillor Bush raised concerns in respect of comments which had been made at the full Council meeting on 24th February 2014 by some Councillors.  Councillor Bush’s understanding of these comments in respect of Redditch United Football Club (RUFC) was that a decision had been made and that the work of the Task Group was unnecessary. 


Members discussed how the Task Group’s terms of reference covered football provision and its availability throughout the Borough and that consideration of RUFC was simply an element of the work being carried out.  Officers confirmed that a decision had been made at a meeting of the Executive Committee in November 2013, but that due process was being followed and any recommendations from the Task Group would be considered within that process.  However, Officers currently had no mandate to take any further action.


Councillor Fry informed Members that no decision, other than that made by the Executive Committee in November 2013, had been made and that the Council was awaiting the outcome of the Task Group.  Councillor Bush expressed concerns that two Portfolio Holders had made public statements, which he believed were to the detriment of the work of the Task Group.  It was confirmed that this matter would be discussed further at the next meeting.


Councillor Bush informed Members that from the meetings that had already been held the work of the Task Group had been very productive.  Members had interviewed relevant Officers from leisure services, including senior Officers.  Concerns had been raised in respect of football access throughout the Borough and Members had gained an understanding of issues in respect of pitch size and the requirements of both the Football Association (FA) and Football League.  The Task Group had also received a presentation from RUFC which had highlighted a major issue in respect of insufficient playing facilities and playing less time on the pitches.  The Design Team appointed by RUFC had also been in attendance and had highlighted that they were unable to share the concerns raised in respect of the roundabout for the proposed new site, which would be taken forward.


Planning Officers were due to attend the following meeting and the FA had also been invited to attend.  There had been some difficulty in arranging meetings and it was anticipated that the investigation would take four months rather than the original estimated three months.  The issue of flooding from the River Arrow at the proposed new site was discussed and Councillor Bush confirmed that this would be taken up with Officers at the following meeting.  Councillor Fry commented that he was enjoying the review and had learnt a lot particularly from RUFC and their architects’ presentation, although he noted that their position and that of the Executive Committee were quite some way apart.


Councillor Gandy explained that the comments from the coaching staff at RUFC in respect of their work with young people would have been useful for all Members and highlighted the work undertaken outside of the main team and within the community, which people might not have been aware of.


c)         Joint Worcestershire Regulatory Services Scrutiny Task Group – Redditch Member, Councillor Alan Mason


Councillor Mason had been unable to attend the last meeting of the Task Group, however a written update had been provided within the agenda.


Officers informed Members that at the previous meeting of the group Members had interviewed a representative of the host authority’s Legal Team together with the Chair of the Management Board.   The main topic of discussion had been the governance arrangements for Worcestershire Regulatory Services. 


The following meeting of the group would take place on 19th March during which Members would reflect on the progress they had made to date.  The review had reached a stage where Members were beginning to discuss possible recommendations and remained on track to be completed in time to report to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s June 2014 meeting. 


d)        Landscaping Task Group – Chair, Councillor Gay Hopkins


Councillor Hopkins informed Members that the group had formulated some draft recommendations and the draft report was in the process of being written.  A final meeting had been arranged where this would be discussed prior to presentation to the Committee at its meeting on 1st April and then the Executive Committee on 8th April 2014.


e)        Voluntary Sector Task Group – Chair, Councillor Pat Witherspoon


Councillor Witherspoon informed Members that Members were due to hold a meeting later that week to interview a representative of the Bromsgrove and Redditch Network (BARN), an infrastructure organisation which worked with most Voluntary and Community Sector organisations in the Borough.  Meetings were also planned for 14th and 19th March which included a visit to the Sandycroft Wellbeing Centre as a comparison to see what work was being carried out at the other side of the Borough.  The investigation would be completed in time for the final draft report to be presented to the Committee’s July 2014 meeting.


(During consideration of this item the Executive Director for Finance and Corporate Resources declared an other disclosable interest in the update on the Football Task Group.  She left the room and was not present during the delivery of this update).




the update reports be noted.


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