Agenda item


To consider Announcements under Procedure Rule 10:


a)         Mayor’s Announcements


b)         Leader’s Announcements


c)         Chief Executive’s Announcements.


(Oral report)


(a)       The Mayor’s communications and announcements were as follows:


i)          Mayoral Functions


The Mayor advised that since the last meeting of the Council she and the Deputy Mayor had attended a number of engagements including a Special Olympics Swimming Gala, a celebration of 40 years of Pitcheroak School, a Charity Quiz Night at Stourport on Severn Town Council, a Variety Show at Tenbury Wells Town Council, the Fly the Flag for the Commonwealth Event at the Town Hall, a production of The Merry Widow at the Palace Theatre, the opening of a new housing development at Enfield Gardens, the opening of a Medical Practice at Maple View, the Mayor’s Charity Dinner at Kidderminster and a Charity Bag Pack at Sainsbury’s the previous weekend.


ii)         Forthcoming Events


The Mayor advised that forthcoming events included the re-opening of the Cancer Research Shop, the Staff Awards at the Palace Theatre, the Mayor’s Charity Climb up Ben Nevis with Councillor Joe Baker, Bromsgrove District Council Charity Dinner Dance, Droitwich Spa Town Council Charity Dinner and the Mayor of Worcester’s Charity Dinner.


iii)        Richard Fellows


The Mayor advised that she had written on behalf of the Council expressing its sympathy to the family of Richard Fellows who had tragically died after getting into difficulties in the River Arrow earlier this month.


(b)       The Leader’s Announcements were as follows:


i)          Lifeline Funding through Supporting People


The Leader provided the Council with an update on the County Council’s position on the funding of hardwired Lifeline equipment. The County Council had confirmed that they would not be funding alarms beyond the end of March 2014.


The Borough Council was to write to each individual service user informing them of the changes and of the implications for them, including the levying of a charge. A further announcement regarding the funding of dispersed equipment was expected later in the year.


A copy of the letter which was to be sent to affected residents was to be forwarded to all Councillors for their information later in the week.


ii)         Early Years Programme


The Leader advised that he had visited recent exhibitions at both the Town Hall and Church Hill demonstrating the work of the Early Years Programme. The Leader added that he had been impressed by the work which was being undertaken and had arranged for a Member Development Session at 6.30pm on Monday 28th April in order that other Members might experience the work of the Team.


iii)        Special Olympics Swimming Gala


The Leader advised that he had attended the Special Olympics Swimming Gala alongside the Deputy Mayor and had very much enjoyed the competition.


iv)        Holocaust Memorial Day


The Leader advised that he had arranged for a Holocaust Survivor to attend the next Holocaust Memorial Day event in 2015.


(c)        Other Announcements were as follows:


i)          Councillor Michael Chalk


With the permission of the Mayor, Councillor Michael Chalk addressed the Chamber as this was the final Council meeting he would attend as a Borough Councillor as he was not a candidate at the forthcoming elections. Councillor Chalk expressed his disappointment at leaving elected office but reflected that he had enjoyed his time on the Council which had spanned a period of 35 years and which included a term as Mayor of the Borough.