Agenda item

Planning Application 2013/289/FUL - Land off Dixon Close, Enfield, Redditch

To consider a Planning Application for the erection of 39 dwellings comprising 37 houses with a mix of 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms and 2 no. 2 bedroom bungalows.


Applicant:  Mr N Laight


(Report attached – Site Plan under separate cover)



Erection of 39 dwellings comprising

37 houses with a mix of 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms,

and 2 no. 2 bedroom bungalows.


Applicant:  Mr N Laight


The following individuals addressed the Committee under the Council’s Public Speaking rules:


Mr J Lorento – objector

Mrs D Treasure – objector

Mr B Jones – objector

Mr N Laight – applicant




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration Services to GRANT Planning Permission, subject to:

1)            the satisfactory completion of a Section 106 Planning Obligation ensuring that:


a)            contributions are paid to the Borough Council in respect to off-site open space, pitches and equipped play in accordance with the Council’s adopted SPD;


b)           contributions are paid to the Borough Council towards the provision of wheelie bins for the new development;


c)            contributions are paid to the County Council towards County education facilities in accordance with the Council’s adopted SPD;


d)           12 units on the site be restricted to affordable housing in perpetuity;


2)            the Conditions and informatives as detailed on pages 16 to 21 of the main report;


3)            the following additional Conditions:


“15)    During the course of development works and final fitting out, access to and egress from the site for all construction traffic, contractors and deliveries shall be via the Enfield Industrial Estate. 


            No development traffic shall access the site via Dixon Close unless first agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


                        Reason:  In the interests of nearby residential amenity in accordance with Policy B(BE).13 of the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.3;


      16)     Prior to the Commencement of Development, details of an emergency access to the site via the Enfield Industrial Estate shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The emergency access works approved shall be implemented prior to the completion of development works on the site. This access point shall be kept available for use by emergency vehicles in perpetuity.


            Reason:  In the interests of residential amenity and in order to provide safe and convenient emergency access to the site in accordance with Policy B(BE).13 of the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.3.


 17)    The approved emergency access shall be kept available as a secondary access / egress for construction traffic, contractors and deliveries during the construction period. Upon completion of development works this access shall be used for emergency vehicles only.


            Reason:  To allow a secondary access would allow all construction vehicles to access the site at all times via the Enfield Industrial Estate without having to access via Windsor Road, thereby safeguarding residential amenity in accordance with Policy B(BE).13 of the Borough of Redditch Local Plan No.3”;   


4)            a)         In the event that the Section 106 Planning Obligation cannot be completed by the end of May 2014,  authority be delegated to Officers to REFUSE the application on the basis that without the planning obligation the proposed development would be contrary to policy and therefore unacceptable due to the resultant detrimental impacts it would cause to community infrastructure by a lack of provision for their improvements, and that none of the dwellings could be restricted to use for affordable housing in line with current policy requirements; and

      b)        In the event of a refusal on this ground and the Applicant re-submitting the same or a very similar Planning Application with a completed Legal agreement attached, authority be delegated to the Head of Planning & Regeneration to GRANT planning permission, subject to the conditions and informatives as stated in 2) and 3 above.

(Officers reported on matters relating to vehicular access to and from the development site, additional comments received from the County Highways Engineer and Officer views on the need to impose an additional condition, all as detailed in the two separate Update reports provided for Members and the public gallery prior to the meeting.


Officers also reported on the potential for an emergency vehicle access into the development in perpetuity that would be separate to the proposed access via Dixon Close for residential vehicles.    In considering this additional information Members were of the view that an additional access, specifically for emergency vehicles only would alleviated some of the concerns in terms of vehicle access from Dixon Close.  A further suggestion that the suggested separate emergency access could potentially be used in addition to the Enfield Industrial Estate access for the duration of the construction period was also supported.  The Committee therefore agreed to impose three additional Conditions relating to access and egress from the Site, as detailed at Resolution 3. 15), 16) and 17)  above.)


Supporting documents: