Agenda item

Task Group Reviews - Draft Scoping Documents

To consider any scoping documents provided for possible Overview and Scrutiny review. 

(The documents have been listed in the order in which they were received).

·         Provision of Support Networks for LGBT Community – Proposed by Councillor Baker

·         Tackling Obesity – Proposed by Councillor Potter

·         Proposals for Change by Tudor Grange Academy – Proposed by Councillor P Witherspoon

(Draft scoping documents attached)


A number of topic proposal forms had been submitted for Members’ consideration and would be presented and considered in turn.  Councillor Potter reminded the Committee that it had agreed to hold only two Task Groups at any one time (it was confirmed that this figure did not include the Football Task Group as this was being facilitated by other Officers).


Provision of Support Networks for LGBT Task Group


Due to unforeseen circumstances Councillor Joe Baker who had proposed this topic was unable to attend the meeting.  He had contacted the Chair and she had agreed to defer consideration of this topic proposal until the following meeting of the Committee.


Obesity Levels Task Group


Councillor Potter provided the Committee with background information as to why she felt this topic should be the subject of a task group.  Senior Officers had highlighted during the Member induction process in May 2014 that obesity was an area of concern at both a national and local level.  Obesity led to other physical health problems such as diabetes which required significant treatment and support from the health service.  It was also an area which affected both adults and children and it was important to ensure that the measures put in place to tackle the problem were as effective as possible.  She believed it would be useful to find out what was available and how the information was provided to the community to ensure it was reaching those that needed help the most.  Councillor Potter also noted that lessons could be learned from international practices and made reference to a project which had been successfully carried out in Oklahoma, USA, which was now one of the healthiest parts of the country.


Some Members, though supportive of the idea, questioned whether a Task Group was necessary as it was understood that t some positive work was already being carried out locally.  Tackling obesity was also a priority at county level and a comprehensive health education training programme was being rolled out.  The Children and Young People’s Plan at Worcestershire County Council had also picked up this issue and were particularly concerned about the impact of obesity amongst deprived communities. 


Councillor Potter was keen to reassure Members that she did not want the Task Group to duplicate the work already being carried out but for it to galvanise that work and bring all that was available together to ensure it was visible to those in most need of support. 


Work that had been carried out by Birmingham City Council on this matter was highlighted and it was suggested that the programmes that they had put together could be useful to learn about as they had been carried out in a holistic and cost effective way.  It was acknowledged that sporting activities and healthy eating could be expensive and that those most affected might not be able to afford some options.


Councillor Potter explained that she was keen to Chair the review.  Councillor Swansborough also expressed an interest in participating in the exercise.


Proposals for Change by Tudor Grange Academy


Councillor Witherspoon introduced this item and highlighted that Members should be aware of the significant public interest in the subject from the numerous emails that had been received from residents.  She also informed Members that previous changes in education in the Borough had led to a reduction in the educational attainment of young people in Redditch and it had taken a long time to recover from this.


The Committee was informed that the governors of Tudor Grange Academy would consider the final draft of the proposed changes at a special meeting on 13th August and, if approved, these would go on to the Education Funding Agency on 15th August.  It was therefore acknowledged that there was not a great deal of time for an investigation to be carried out.  However, Councillor Witherspoon suggested that a short sharp review could be carried out to explore the implications of these proposed changes for the rest of the education system in the Borough and the role of the ward Councillor in supporting the local community in this context.


During discussion of this item he following areas were considered:


·                The Council had no powers to intervene in the decision taken by Tudor Grange Academy.

·                The changes could be put in place from September 2015.

·                The impact the changes would have on the current school arrangements needed to be examined and whether due process in respect of the consultation had been followed, including whether all schools in the Borough had been involved in this process.

·                The educational attainment for those young people living in deprived areas of the Borough.

·                The Council and Committee had a community leadership role to play.

·                The limited timescale available to investigate the matter effectively.


(During the consideration of the scoping document containing the terms of reference for the Short, Sharp Review of Proposals for Change by Tudor Grange Academy Councillor Potter declared an other disclosable interest in respect of this item as a member of the board of governors at Tudor Grange Academy.  She left the room and did not take part in discussions of the matter.


Councillor David Bush also declared an other disclosable interest in respect of this scoping document as a member of the board of governors at Walkwood Middle School, part of the pyramid group that would be affected by the proposed changes by Tudor Grange Academy.  He too left the meeting during consideration of this scoping document, did not take part in discussions of this matter and did not thereafter return to the meeting having submitted his apologies for the remainder of the meeting.


In the absence of the Chair of the Committee, as agreed under minute 12, Councillor Roger Bennett chaired the meeting whilst the Committee was considering the scoping document relating to the proposals for change by Tudor Grange Academy).




1)        the terms of reference for the proposed review of Provision of Support Networks for LGBT Task Group be considered at the meeting of the Committee on 2nd September 2014;


2)    the terms of reference for the proposed Task Group review of Obesity Levels be approved;


3)    Councillor Jane Potter be appointed to Chair the Obesity Levels Task Group;


4)    further nominations to the Obesity Levels Task Group be confirmed at the meeting of the Committee on 2nd September 2014;


5)    the terms of reference for the short sharp review of the proposals for change by Tudor Grange Academy be approved;


6)    Councillor Pat Witherspoon be appointed to Chair the short sharp review of the proposals for change by Tudor Grange Academy; and


7)    further nominations to the short sharp review of the proposals for change by Tudor Grange Academy be confirmed at the meeting of the Committee on 2nd September 2014.


Supporting documents: