Agenda item

Abbey Stadium Task Group - Final Report

To consider the final report of the Abbey Stadium Task Group.


(Task Group report attached – the report is to be considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 17th June)


Councillors Carole Gandy and Alan Mason, representing the Abbey Stadium Task Group, presented the report prepared by their Group to the Executive Committee.


It was reported that the focus of the review was on exploring the options to extend the offer at the Abbey Stadium at minimum cost to the Council. The Group had been made aware early on in its review that a business case for expansion of the gym was in preparation and so had amended its scoping document to explore alternative options for making the Stadium a success.


The context of the review was a proliferation of other health and fitness centres in the town which was contributing to a gradual decline in membership numbers at the Abbey Stadium. The major recommendation of the Group was that alternative models for management of the Abbey Stadium and other leisure facilities within the Borough be explored. The Group had visited leisure centres in Evesham and Stratford and had determined that management by an external trust, such as was the case at these two centres, might lead to a reduction in costs whilst maintaining or improving the quality of services at the Abbey Stadium. In brief, the recommendations were as follows:


·         That the option of the Abbey Stadium being managed by a leisure trust be explored;

·         That, should the initial recommendation be agreed, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee should pre-scrutinise any final business case relating to the future operation of the Abbey Stadium;

·         That the provision of therapeutic services be considered;

·         That the provision of a sauna/steam room be considered;

·         That membership of Abbey Stadium should be promoted to those aged 55 or over; and

·         That retail provision of leisure goods at Abbey Stadium be expanded.


A number of other matters, such as provision of car washing and the employment of apprentices, had also been considered during the course of the review.


The Executive welcomed the report and commended the Group on a fine piece of work. There was a general agreement that the Task Group, the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Tourism, other Executive Members and Officers were of a like mind as regards the future management of the Abbey Stadium and the Council’s leisure facilities more generally. The Committee was happy to accept the principle of the main recommendation, as expressed in an amended resolution which widened the scope to encompass leisure facilities more generally. Given that the third and fourth recommendations were dependant on the outcome of the exploration of various management options it was agreed that these be deferred. The Committee was content to agree the fifth and sixth recommendations as these could be enacted under the current management regime and were considered to be prudent measures which would assist in maintaining membership levels.




1)    the Council should explore the options for a leisure trust to manage some or all of its facilities, including the Abbey Stadium;


2)    the Overview and Scrutiny Committee be given the opportunity to pre-scrutinise any final business case relating to the future operation of some or all of the Council’s leisure facilities, including the Abbey Stadium, prior to its submission to the Executive Committee;


3)    consideration of the provision of therapeutic services be deferred pending the exploration of options for the future management of the Council’s leisure facilities;


4)    consideration of the provision of a sauna/steam room be deferred pending the exploration of options for the future management of the Council’s leisure facilities;


5)    Officers identify appropriate marketing measures to promote membership of the Abbey Stadium to people aged 55 years and over; and


6)    there should be expansion of the offer and additional marketing (including displays) of retail provision at the Abbey Stadium.


Supporting documents: