Agenda item


To consider Announcements under Procedure Rule 10:


a)         Mayor’s Announcements


b)         Leader’s Announcements


c)         Chief Executive’s Announcements.


(Oral report)


a)         Mayor


The Mayor’s announcements were as follows:


i)          Elaine Daykin, BEM


The Mayor led the Council in congratulating Elaine Daykin, one of the founders of Special Olympics Redditch, on her receipt of the British Empire Medal in the recent Queen’s Birthday Honours. The Mayor reported that Elaine still devoted a great deal of time and effort to ensuring that Special Olympics Redditch remained the tremendously successful organisation it had become.


The Leader of the Council added his congratulations to those of the Mayor, noting that Elaine and her husband Ron had been honoured by the last Mayor in recognition of their work for Special Olympics Redditch, and other members of the Council then proceeded to add their own tributes to Elaine and Ron for the work they carried out.


ii)         Inspector Ian Joseph


The Mayor then led the Council in bidding farewell to another individual who had served the local community with great devotion and diligence over a number of years. Inspector Ian Joseph, District Inspector for Redditch, had announced his retirement after a long and distinguished career with West Mercia Police.


The Leader of the Council reported that, having known Inspector Joseph for many years, he was aware that Inspector Joseph held the Borough very dear and frequently went above and beyond the call of duty in carrying out his role. Members added their thanks to those of the Mayor and Leader, noting that Inspector Joseph would be a difficult act to follow.


iii)        Mayor’s announcements


The Mayor advised that, since the previous meeting of the Council, she had attended a number of engagements, including Hosting a visit to the Town by the President of the Royal Town Planning Institute, a Primrose Choir concert here at the Town Hall, a Special Olympics event at the Alexander Stadium, the Fly the Flag for the Armed Forces Day, the Worcestershire Summer School Games, the Cookhill Flower Festival, the opening of a Learning Garden at Webheath First School Academy, the Freedom March for the 37th Signal Regiment, the judging of drawings by school students in connection with World War One commemorations, a fund raising concert for the Alzheimer’s Society, the Summer Concert of Worcestershire Youth Music at the Palace Theatre, the Redditch Friends Together Ball at the White Hart in Headless Cross, Astwood Bank Carnival and that afternoon’s visit by Her Royal Highness, Princess Anne.


iv)        Forthcoming engagements


The Mayor advised that forthcoming engagements included the Consecration of our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, a production of Me and My Girl at Norbury Theatre, a Freedom of the City parade for the 214th (Worcestershire) Battery, Royal Artillery in Worcester, the Scarecrow Day event at Forge Mill Museum, her own Civic Service at St Stephens on 7th September, her Charity Comedy Night at the Palace Theatre on 9th September and Bromsgrove Civic Service.


v)         Dementia Friendly Town


The Mayor advised that one of her chosen charities for the year, Redditch Friends Together, wished for Redditch to become a Dementia Friendly Town and the Mayor advised of activities she had already undertaken involving local schoolchildren to bring this about.


b)         Leader’s Announcements


The Leader’s announcements were as follows:


i)          Portfolio Holders


The Leader advised that, with immediate effect, Councillor Rebecca Blake would be standing down as Portfolio Holder for Community Safety and would be replaced in that role by Councillor Yvonne Smith.


ii)         Freedom March for the 37th Signal Regiment


The Leader advised that he, along with the Mayor and other members of the Council, had attended the Freedom March for the 37th Signal Regiment  and reported that it had been a great day and a magnificent ceremony.


iii)        New College Apprentice Skills Award Night


The Leader advised that he, along with Councillors Potter and Blake, had attended a Apprentice Skills Awards Night at New College.


iv)        Les Miserables


The Leader reported that he had attended a schools’ version of Les Miserables at the Palace Theatre, a performance which had been greeted by a standing ovation.


v)         Special Olympics Redditch


The Leader advised that he, along with the Deputy Mayor, had attended the Special Olympics Regional Athletics meeting at the Alexander Stadium, Birmingham and had been honoured to have been asked to present some medals.


vi)        Redditch Bandstand


The Leader reported that he and other Members had attended two recent Bandstand events, Young Voices and the Redditch Has Got Talent event.


vii)       Astwood Bank Carnival


The Leader advised that he had attended the Astwood Bank Carnival the previous weekend, an event which had been blessed with sunshine.


viii)      Worcestershire Acute Trust


The Leader informed the Council that he was due to meet with the Worcestershire Acute Trust later this month to discuss the temporary closure of the local consultant-led maternity unit.


ix)        Apprentice Skills Fair


The Leader reported that he had attended an Apprentice Skills Fair in the Kingfisher Centre, an event which had been a great success.


x)         Green Fair


The Leader advised that he had attended the Green Fair at the Arrow Valley Countryside Centre, an event which involved the local Lions Club.