Agenda item

Positive Activities - Update Report

To consider an update on the outcomes of the Positive Activities youth programme in Redditch Borough.


(Presentation to follow)


Paul Finnemore,  The Worcestershire County Council (WCC) Commissioning Manager – Younger People delivered a presentation on The Positive Activities project.  Members were informed that providers of Positive Activities had also been invited to answer questions on how the scheme had worked from a “grass roots” perspective.


Mr Finnemore explained that the Positive Activities funding of £1 million was used to commission projects and was divided amongst the six districts throughout Worcestershire.  The aim of those projects was not simply to provide activities for all young people.  Instead young people living in particular geographical areas where there was a high number of those not in Education, Employment or Training (NEETs) or where there was a high rate of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB).  The funding was time limited with the third year of three year contracts being reached in July 2014.   At the WCC Cabinet meeting on 17th July it had been proposed and agreed that the current approach to Positive Activities should be reviewed to see whether a sufficient local offer would be available in accordance with its legal duties without any funding being required from WCC for service delivery with effect from 2016/17.  The existing level of funding and allocation per district would be maintained and managed under the current terms for the duration of the review and contracts with providers would therefore be extended for a further year.


Further areas covered by this presentation were:


·         The involvement of local Members in discussions to identify solutions to ensure the sustainability of the projects.

·         The principles of Act Local and support for local organisations.

·         The role of the Redditch Community Wellbeing Trust.

·         The focus on supporting and preparing organisations to make their projects sustainable, with a decrease in emphasis on holding them to account for performance.

·         Support for young people with disabilities and young carers would continue.


Members expressed concerns that the emphasis would no longer be on holding organisations to account for performance.  However, Mr Finnemore explained that from the current monitoring process it was apparent that the services provided, exceeded to those that could be expected given the financial outlay.  This was due to the people and volunteers involved in delivering the projects and had been highlighted in the Hot Stuff programme of free activities over the summer period which had been provided in collaboration with a number of providers.


Members discussed and raised questions on the following areas:


·         When the funding would cease.

·         The possibility of the Council becoming a major funder and having input into the activities carried out.

·         Local schools being involved in Positive Activities projects and the important role that they could play – Arrow Vale Academy took a major role in the Positive Activities Zone.

·         The impact on educational attainment levels in the Borough.

·         The provision of counselling for young people and the training provided in respect of this to youth workers.

·         Engaging young people in activities and whether levels of participation had increased over the years.

·         The impact in respect of reducing ASB and overall benefits.


The Chair thanked Mr Finnemore and his colleagues for attending and providing such a comprehensive and enlightening presentation.




the report be noted.