Agenda item

Concessionary Bus Travel - Discussion

To consider further information about the provision of concessionary bus travel to eligible Redditch residents.


(Report attached).


The Chair thanked the representatives from Rotala PLC, Mr Stephen Haselden and Ms Hayley Russell, for attending the meeting.


Councillor Greg Chance, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Regeneration, Economic Development and Transport, took Members through the written responses that had been provided to the pre-prepared questions.  He highlighted that the scheme was not aimed at retired people but for the benefit of various groups within the community who would need to travel before 9.30 a.m.  Mr Haselden reiterated this by stating that the concessionary scheme was not for retired people but for a set age range, many of whom had to access work.  Members were also advised that the English National Concessionary Travel Scheme (ENTS) was put in place to ensure that people who could not afford bus travel were still able to do so.  The principle of the scheme was that the operator should be no worse or better off if no scheme was in place and calculated on a monthly basis with the operator being re-imbursed.  However, it was explained that this was not how the Redditch Borough Council scheme was calculated.  Instead a fixed annual rate was identified based on figures from 2011.  Mr. Haselden felt  that these figures were no longer relevant and as an operator Rotala plc was currently worse off.  The figures would need to be revised for the scheme in 2015/16.


The following areas were discussed in more detail:


·         The data provided by Worcestershire County Council from the use of SMART ticket machines, how these worked and details of how journeys were recorded manually prior to 9.30 am.

·         The number of people using the service in comparison to the number of journeys that were carried out.

·         The overall data being provided by Centro (in respect of the concessionary passes). Mr Haselden explained that he had requested more detailed data several times, but had been unsuccessful due to legislation and rules from the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

·         The types of passes provided and how these were being updated when those in receipt of them re-applied.

·         The ENTS scheme being valid after 9.30 a.m. only.

·         The benefits of the scheme to those who were eligible to participate.

·         The financial cost to the Council and what number of journeys this was based on, together with details of actual journeys carried out and the potential increase in cost for future years.

·         A breakdown of the journeys by route. Mr Haselden confirmed that this was provided on a monthly basis and the majority of the routes covered by his company were 51 (1,803 journeys), 57 (2,400 journeys) and 58 (2,377).

·         It was confirmed that there was no legal requirement to provide the scheme before 9.30 a.m.


Following detailed discussions a proposal was put forward that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee should recognise the value of pre 9.30 a.m. travel and appreciated Rotala PLC’s support for the scheme.  However this proposal was not endorsed by the majority of Members.


Whilst it was understood that Rotala PLC had been unable to acquire detailed data from Centro, Members requested that Officers attempt to access detailed information about the number of journeys undertaken by customers using concessionary passes in order for Members to understand better how the scheme was being used and its value.


RESOLVED that Officers request detailed information in respect of pre 9.30 a.m. journeys and the number of concessionary pass holders making the journeys.



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