Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker - Update Report

To consider the Overview and Scrutiny Recommendation Tracker.


(Report attached)


Officers provided a number of further updates in respect of the tracker, which had been received following publication of the agenda:


·             Access for Disabled People Task Group – The disabilities awareness training had taken place as part of the Equalities training on 18th September.  Unfortunately there had been a disappointing turnout for this, with only three Members attending.

·             Abbey Stadium Task Group’s Recommendation 1 - Members were advised that the Executive Committee had also agreed the amended wording in respect of therapeutic services and a sauna and steam room.  This would be included in the next tracker report.

·             Abbey Stadium Task Group’s Recommendation 6 – A further update had been received and Members were advised that it was anticipated that the new displays would be in place by 5th November.

·             Voluntary and Community Sector Task Group’s Recommendation 4 -  Human Resources had confirmed that they were in negotiations with the local college and were currently working on a job description and person specification for the suggested apprentice post.

·             Voluntary and Community Sector Task Group’s Recommendation 8 - Whilst support had been given to this recommendation by the Executive Committee Officers had highlighted a number of concerns which could potentially mean that it was not practical to have a new staff award for voluntary work carried out by staff.

·             Football Provision Task Group final report – The recommendation from the group had been agreed by Executive Committee and would be included within the next tracker report.


Following this additional update Members discussed the following areas in more detail:


·                The use of “smiley faces” and that consideration should be given to amending these for some of the recommendations following the updates received.

·                Arts and Culture Task Group - the possibility of an Arts Centre being established and whether it was realistic for this recommendation to remain on the tracker.

·                Landscaping Task Group’s Recommendation 1 - the invitation for members to visit the Place Team and whether this had been taken up by any Members.

·                Landscaping Task Group’s Recommendations 6 and 7 -  It was understood that these had been suggested by officers and Members requested further information as to the feasibility of implementing these recommendations in the current climate before deciding whether they should remain on the tracker.

·                Voluntary and Community Sector Task Group and the new staff award for voluntary work carried out by staff.  After discussion it was agreed that this would remain on the tracker in order to provide the Chair of the Task Group with an opportunity to consider the response from officers.

·                Voluntary and Community Sector Task Group’s Recommendation 9 in respect of the Redditch Hour on twitter.  The Committee was advised that the Executive committee had suggested that the Redditch Town Centre Partnership should be asked to facilitate the launch of the Redditch Hour but the partnership had declined this offer. Following discussions Members agreed it would be appropriate to suggest that the Bromsgrove and Redditch Network (BARN) would be a more suitable facilitator for it.

·                Market Task Group – as there had been concerns raised about the lack of action on these recommendations a separate report would be received by the Committee at its meeting on 24th November.

·                Whilst it was acknowledge that the Executive Committee had approved the Abbey Stadium Task Group’s recommendation in respect of the potential for a trust to manage the Council’s leisure facilities, Members requested clarification as to when this review was expect to take place.


After further discussion it was




the Executive Committee ask the Bromsgrove and Redditch Network (BARN) to facilitate the launch of a Redditch Hour on social media.




subject to the information requested in the preamble above being provided by the relevant officers, the report be noted.



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