Agenda item

Proposals for Change by Tudor Grange Academy Short, Sharp Review - Final Report

To consider the final report of the Proposals for Change by Tudor Grange Academy Short, Sharp Review.


(Report attached)


Councillor Pat Witherspoon, as the Chair of the Proposals for Change by Tudor Grange Academy Short, Sharp Review presented the group’s final report.  She provided background information and explained that the purpose of the review had been to gain an understanding of Tudor Grange Academy Redditch’s proposal to extend the age range of their pupils and the process they had followed in order to make those changes, together with assessing the potential impact on other schools in the Borough and identifying how to support ward Councillors and residents in contributing effectively to the debate on the subject.  Members were reminded that the review had not been tasked with investigating whether a two-tier or a three-tier education system should be in place in the Borough or to draw conclusions around the Academy’s proposals. 


The group had gathered evidence from a range of sources including representatives from Tudor Grange Academy Redditch, Karen Lumley M.P., Councillor Rebecca Blake (this was due to her involvement in the petition), the Redditch Democratic Alliance and local schools, which had been contacted via a questionnaire.  Representatives of the Redditch School Changes Action Group had also been consulted.


The key findings of the review were highlighted:


·         Tudor Grange Academy Redditch followed the proper process set out by the Government.

·         The process set down by the Government did not address the specific needs of schools and school pyramids in a three-tier education system.

·         As a consequence there was uncertainty, confusion and in some cases anger amongst parents about the changes proposed by the school.

·         The lead officer for the County Council informed the review that the County lacked the power and resources to undertake a review of the education system in the Borough.  Recent legislation had provided academy schools with significant powers and therefore any review conducted by the local education authority could not make decisions that would be binding for academy schools.

·         Poor communications by both the school and the County Council had compounded the confusion amongst parents.

·         The group had attempted to consult with Councillors from the wards within the catchment area for Tudor Grange Academy.   Members had been disappointed to only receive completed questionnaires from Councillors Baker and Potter, although it was acknowledged that evidence had been received from Councillors Blake and Braley in a different form.  The group requested that in future group leaders be urged to encourage their members to respond when consulted by a scrutiny Task Group.


Councillor Witherspoon went on to provide some local context together with information in respect of the process which had been followed and highlighted that Tudor Grange Academy Redditch had followed the correct process and had gone beyond what was required by providing a business plan.  The final decision about the school’s proposals would be made by the Regional Schools Commissioner for the West Midlands in consultation with the Education Funding Agency (EFA).  It had also been noted that when questions were raised by Karen Lumley in Parliament the Department of Education had confirmed that they did not hold records for three-tier education systems throughout England, although they had advised that there were 190 middle schools in total.


Councillor Witherspoon thanked the other Members of the review for the work they had carried out and also Jess Bayley, Democratic Services Officer for her support in carrying out a very thorough and informative review.


The Committee added its thanks and commented on how professionally the review had been handled and for producing an excellent and detailed report.


RECOMMENDED to the Executive Committee that


1)    The Chief Executive of Redditch Borough Council writes to the Secretary of State for Education, the Right Honourable Nicky Morgan PM, and the Minister of State for Schools, the Right Honourable David Laws MP, to request that specific guidance be issued to schools about changing the age range of their pupils in a three tier education system.  This guidance should address the process that must be followed in cases where a school unilaterally decides to make changes that will impact on other schools in the local authority area and/or within a school pyramid.


RECOMMENDED to Worcestershire County Council that


2)    Worcestershire County Council consult with Borough Councillors alongside County Councillors when commissioning educational services (within the remit of the Head of Learning and Achievement); and


3)    Worcestershire County Council, as the local education authority, should produce written guides about the education system and the process that needs to be followed when changes are made to schools.  These guides should be produced in plain English and should be made available for parents and other interested stakeholders to access.


(Prior to consideration of the final report Councillor Potter declared an other disclosable interest in the subject as a school governor at Tudor Grange Academy.  Councillor Bush also declared an other disclosable interest in this update as a school governor at Walkwood Middle School, part of the pyramid group which would be affected by the changes proposed by Tudor Grange Academy Redditch.  They both left the room during consideration of this update and did not take part in the discussions.)



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