Agenda item

Planning Application 2014/036/FUL - B & Q DIY Supercentre, Jinnah Road, Smallwood, Redditch, Worcestershire B97 6RG

To consider a Planning Application for the reconfiguration of the existing store to create a Class A1 (bulky goods) unit and a Class A1 foodstore, together with associated external alterations and selected car park reconfiguration.


Applicants:  B & Q Plc. and ASDA Stores Ltd


(Report attached – Site Plan under separate cover)



Reconfiguration of existing store to create a

Class A1 (bulky goods) unit and a

Class A1 Foodstore, together with associated

external alterations and selected car parking



Applicants: B & Q Plc and ASDA Stores Ltd


The following people addressed the Committee under the Council’s public speaking rules:


Mr P. Anderson - resident

Mr A. Haughey - objector for Kingfisher Ltd Partnership

Ms R Sidaway, objector for Town Centre Partnership

Ms P Harvey, objector on behalf of Smallwood residents

Mr P Bartram – on behalf of joint Applicant Asda Stores Ltd

Ms J Sell – on behalf of joint Applicant B & Q Plc




having regard to the Development Plan and all other material considerations authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration Services to GRANT planning permission, subject to:  


1)            a planning obligation ensuring:


a)    the restriction on the sale of goods to DIY warehouse at the western end of the site;


b)    an annual contribution for a ten year period, index linked,


c)    towards the subsidy of a bus route that accesses the site;


d)   a contribution towards subway enhancements as detailed above;


e)    a contribution towards or the provision of a scheme of signage to lead pedestrians from the site to the town centre;


f)     the retention of the existing parking restrictions that ensure that the car park can be utilised for trips to the town centre (unless included in the conditions);


g)   a contribution towards town centre enhancements;


2)            a satisfactory alternative proposal to the proposed 24hr opening times being negotiated and agreed with Officers to reduce noise levels and impact on local residents; and

3)            the conditions and informatives as summarised below:


1)            Time limit for commencement of development

2)            Details of roof plant to be agreed and implemented

3)            Additional travel plan details as requested by highways to be agreed and implemented

4)            Provision and retention of cycle parking

5)            Condition requested by NWWM

6)            Development to occur and be maintained as per the noise and air quality reports

7)            Condition requested by STW

8)            Additional security and safety information to be provided to the satisfaction of the community safety officer and implemented as agreed

9)            Car park management strategy to be agreed and implemented

10)         The store shall not open to public trading until the car parking provision has been laid out and marked out and this shall thereafter be maintained

11)         Approved plans specified





1)            NB S106 attached

2)            NB contaminated land comments

3)            NB PROW comments

4)            NB positive and proactive working (PPA)

5)            NB separate advertisement consent will be required for any proposed signage not benefitting from deemed consent


(Officers advised on late additional representations received from the owners of the Kingfisher Shopping Centre, Town Centre Partnership and local residents, received after publication of the Agenda, together with Officers responses, as detailed in Updates 1 and 2 and published on the Council’s Website, copies of which were made available for Committee Members and the public gallery prior to commencement of the meeting.


Having considered all of the information provided and the various representations made through the public speaking process, Members were of the view that the proposed development would be good for the economy of the town with additional jobs and the safeguarding of existing jobs. Members also considered that the development would not have a detrimental impact on the viability of the Town Centre.   The Committee did, however, have concerns in regard to the proposed 24 hour opening times which they considered could have an impact on the local residential area.  Officers were therefore asked to discuss this issue with the Applicant and negotiate suitable alternative opening times to reduce any such impact.    


Subject to a planning obligation being agreed, conditions being imposed that were deemed appropriate, and the satisfactory re-negotiation of the opening hours for the Asda store, the Committee considered the proposal acceptable and delegated authority to grant planning permission to the Head of Planning and Regeneration on their behalf, as detailed in the resolution above. 


Officers clarified that, should any of the matters detailed about not be suitably agreed between Officers and the Applicants, a report would be brought back to the Committee.)  



Following the conclusion of the above application, the meeting was adjourned at 20.06pm for a brief comfort break.  The meeting reconvened at 20.13pm.


Supporting documents: