Agenda item


To consider Announcements under Procedure Rule 10:


a)         Mayor’s Announcements


b)         Leader’s Announcements


c)         Chief Executive’s Announcements.


(Oral report)


a)    Mayor


The Mayor’s communications and announcements were as follows:


i)             Mayor’s Announcements


The Mayor advised that since the last meeting of the Council she and her Deputy, Councillor Pattie Hill, had attended a number of events including Worcestershire Sports Awards, the Redditch Bonfire event, Remembrance Day parades at the war memorial in the Town Centre, Astwood Bank and the Armistice day parade and service at St Stephens Church, the opening night of Jesus Christ Superstar at the Palace Theatre, the Christmas party at Abbeydale.  The Mayor’s charity quiz evening which was a sell out and a very successful and fun evening and finally the Blind Association Christmas Party.


ii)            Forthcoming Engagements


The Mayor advised that her forthcoming engagements included a visit to the Royal Mail Sorting office with a very early start, a number of Christmas Carol Services and finally a visit to the Alexandra Hospital on Christmas Day.


The Mayor also thanked Councillor Hill for standing in for her at those occasions when she had been unable to attend.


b)    Leader’s Announcements


The Leader thanked members of the Council’s new choir, Vocal Authority, which was made up of employees from both Redditch and Bromsgrove Councils, for attending this evening’s meeting and singing a number of festive songs.


i)             The Heels Walk


For the third year the Leader had joined 16 men including many officers from the Town Hall on the Mile Heels Walk around the town centre as part of the white ribbon campaign part of the 16 days of action, speaking out against domestic violence.


ii)            Mayor’s Charity Quiz


The Leader had attended this and confirmed what a great evening it had been, with festive tunes once again being provided by Vocal Authority.  


iii)           Saturday Polish School


The Leader had attended this along with Inspector Rebecca Love and PC Jon Watts all had interacted with the children attending and given them the opportunity to sit in a Police car and sound the siren.


iv)           Remembrance Sunday Parade


The Remembrance Sunday parade and service had been the best to date, with a huge number of public attending along with the deputy Lord Lieutenant. 


The Leader also informed Members of a book, Redditch Fallen Heroes, which had been produced locally with the support of the Standard and other local writers. It contained information on all those named on local memorials and provided very interesting reading.  It was available to purchase from Heaphys or the Library at a cost of £5.


v)            Plymouth Road Memorial Gardens


The tree planting had taken place with two local schools and British Legion representatives.  An oak tree was planted to commemorate the 100 years since WW1 and a commemorative bench was also provide depicting soldiers and poppies.


vi)           Worcestershire Sports Awards


This had been attended along with the Mayor and officers with the Council being mentioned in respect of the Walking Football which had been set up.


vii)         Skills on Show at NEC


This had been a really good event, but the Leader had been disappointed with the small number of Redditch schools who had attended.  It was hoped that this would improve at future events.


viii)        The Leader had also attended the Jamaican High Commissioners visit which had been arranged by the Caribbean Roots Connection and the Redditch Business Leaders meeting which had also been attended by Councillors Potter and Clayton.


He had also attended a number of Christmas/festive gatherings including the Sunset Club, MHAG, the Chinese Association Communities Together and Batchley Yule by the School.  Finally he had attended the pantomime, Cinderella at the Palace Theatre.