Agenda item

Leisure Services Pre-Scrutiny Briefing Report - Stage 1

To consider a report setting out the scope that was provided by Officers to external consultants regarding the future operation of Leisure Services.


(Report attached)


The Chair, for the benefit of those Members new to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, provided background information on this item and explained that the recommendations from a Task Group report on the Abbey Stadium had been approved by the Executive Committee in June 2014.  Members were provided with a copy of the recommendations relevant to this meeting.  It was further explained that at the previous meeting of the Committee it had been agreed that the Committee should adopt a three stage process of scrutinising this topic, with this meeting being the first stage of that process.  The second stage would involve looking at the consultants’ report which had been commissioned the previous year and the third stage would be to pre-scrutinise the final report prior to it being considered by the Executive Committee in July.


Officers explained to Members that the report before them, as requested, covered the commissioning of the consultants’ report, the process and the information around the specification that officers had provided to the external consultants.  This had included looking at corporate options, the potential for different models together with details of the services that could be included within those models.


In providing background information Officers informed Members that anumber of consultants’, who were experts in this field, had been approached with a view to providing an options appraisal, which would form part of the Review of Operation of Leisure Services report.  However, Members were advised that only two or three consultants had responded, though Officers asked to clarify the exact number after the meeting.  The table provided at Appendix 1 had been formulated in consultation with various officers in the Leisure Services Team.  The email also at Appendix 1 was a summary of various discussions Officers had had with the consultants around the specification and the needs of the Council.


Following presentation of the report, Members raised a number of points and discussed the following areas in detail:


·         The procurement process which was followed and whether it was appropriate for the Head of Leisure and Cultural Services to be involved in that process.

·         How the final consultant was chosen and whether this had been based on price alone.  Officers informed Members that whilst cost had been one consideration, timescales and the closest match to the Council’s requirements had also been taken into consideration.

·         Whether the option of a leisure trust had been considered prior to the Abbey Stadium Task Group investigating such an option or whether this had arisen out of the recommendation from the Task Group.

·         The methodology in producing the service mix options as detailed in the report and any possible conflict of interest in respect of the Head of Service.  Officers explained that from a corporate perspective the Head of Leisure and Cultural Services had been tasked with putting together the scope from his wide knowledge of the industry and the internal workings of the Leisure Team.  The consultants role was to provide a report on the options for future delivery of services.

·         Other relevant correspondence referred to within the report and between Officers and the consultants was also discussed.

·         It was highlighted in the consultant’s offer that a significant amount of information would be needed in order to produce the options appraisal.

·         The reasons for the delay in the consultants providing the options appraisal.  Officers explained that this was largely due to the Council’s internal systems being incompatible with those of the consultants and their being unable to analyse some of the data provided because of this.  This necessitated more work than had originally been anticipated having to be carried out.


Officers explained that the first drafts of the options appraisal had been received in July and October 2014 and, following amendment, the final document had been provided in late January/early February 2015.  In order for Members to best understand the resultant report, which they would consider at the following meeting, it was agreed that the information referred to in this report and highlighted by Officers should be provided at that meeting.  It was acknowledged and accepted by the Committee that the majority of that information would need to be considered within confidential session.


Members discussed whether it would be useful to invite a representative of the consultants to present the options appraisal at the following meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  Officers informed Members that the consultants had been approached and were in principal willing to attend, although it should be noted that the consultants were likely to charge a fee for attendance at that meeting.  The Chair also highlighted that an additional meeting of the Committee would need to be held in order to ensure that all stages of this scrutiny exercise were completed prior to the Executive Committee meeting to be held on 14th July 2015.


The Chair reiterated her concern that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee was not being used to its full potential and that its role was to help and support the Executive Committee in the decision making process.  This could only be achieved if the reports were readily available for the Committee to consider in a timely manner.




1)    the Consultants’ Options Appraisal be made available to Members of the Committee, together with the following additional information:


2)    the information requested by The Sports Consultancy in their Leisure Management Options Appraisal letter, as detailed below:

·      A full schedule of all services and facilities to be considered.

·      Historic financial performance for the past 3 years as well as 2014/15 budget.

·      Condition surveys of the main facilities (if available).

·      Future asset plan (including any planned or necessary facility works to be undertaken).

·      Staffing list.

·      Support services and central costs (legal, financial, marketing, property etc.)


3)    the correspondence between officers and the consultants on the subject of the consultant’s report;


4)    copies of previous drafts of the consultant’s report prior to the final version presented in January 2015;


5)    the briefing note sent by the Head of Leisure and Cultural Services to the Consultants;


6)    that an additional meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee be arranged for Wednesday 24th June 215; and


7)    the Chair use her discretion when the documents referred to above were available as to whether the consultants be invited to attend that meeting.


(During consideration of this item Members discussed matters that necessitated the disclosure of exempt information. It was therefore agreed to exclude the press and public prior to any debate on the grounds that information would be revealed relating to financial and business affairs. However, there is nothing exempt in this record of the proceedings.)


Supporting documents: