Agenda item

Questions on Notice

To consider questions submitted under Procedure Rule 9.2.


The Leader responded to three questions that had been submitted in accordance with Procedure Rule 9.2 from Mr D. Newman, Councillor Baker-Price and Councillor Brunner as detailed below.


a)        Parking in Mount Pleasant


Mr D Newman asked the following question:


Can the Council update regarding parking in Mount Pleasant? When the TV cameras were on the estate we were promised a resolution in the next couple of weeks. This has never materialised and we are in the same position.


The residents demand a resolution to the issue and I for one would welcome residents’ parking permits.


It is noted adjoining roads to Mount Pleasant, such as Oakly Road, have double sided parking, and the only assumption for Mount Pleasant not having double sided parking for residents is the amount of traffic we take.


I feel the road would benefit from a trial of becoming a one way road, as the bottom of Mount Pleasant is a no entry for cars anyway.


What can the Council do to canvas opinion of residents about the future of the road going forward, or if required, I would canvas the estate for proposals.


The problem cannot go on indefinitely, and this road was not made for the amount of traffic going up and down it. If a resolution is not forthcoming the residents will have to look to take objection to the Council’s lack of support, by blocking the entrances to the estate.


The Leader replied as follows:


Whilst I sympathise with you and your neighbours, regarding the parking situation in your area, Redditch Borough Council, through our partnership with Wychavon District Council, is only responsible for enforcing the lines and signs that are designated under the traffic regulation order (TRO), which must be done fairly and consistently across the Borough.


Responsibility for making changes to the TRO or carrying out works to the highway sit with the County Council’s Highways Department. However, I have asked Councillor Greg Chance, the Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder who covers transport issues, to arrange to meet with you and other residents in the area, along with the two County Councillors for the area to gain their support and develop a proposal that can be put to the County Council Highways Team.


b)        Business Booster Grant Scheme


Councillor Baker-Price asked the following question:


Would the leader please state the amount of money the Council has given to businesses through the 'businesses booster grants' scheme this year?


The Leader responded as follows:


The ‘Business Booster’ grants scheme and funding is now administered by the North Worcestershire Economic Development and Regeneration (NWEDR) shared service.  I can confirm that for the 2015/16 financial year to date, £19,409 has been awarded to businesses in Redditch through the ‘Booster’ grant scheme and that six businesses from Redditch have benefitted from support.


A supplementary question was raised by Councillor Baker-Price concerning start-up costs for businesses.  He explained that he had checked the British Chamber of Commerce’s website which indicated that start-up costs for new businesses were high. He suggested it might be more useful to direct funding to support a new officer post, which would be responsible for signposting and supporting new businesses applying for grant funding.  Councillor Baker-Price also noted that he had visited the Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) website and that this did not make reference to Redditch in relation to grants to businesses.


The Leader responded by suggesting that, due to the level of detail, the supplementary question should be sent to him in writing so that a written response, addressing all of Councillor Baker-Price’s points, could be provided.


c)         Devolved Powers – Worcestershire


Councillor Brunner asked the following question:


Given that a recent poll undertaken by Worcestershire County Council states that 88% of Worcestershire residents want devolved powers from Westminster kept locally, when will the Labour group allow Redditch residents a say on whether they wish to support devolved powers to Worcestershire?


The Leader explained that, as detailed during recent briefings delivered by the Chief Executive, the Council was in the process of exploring a potential devolution deal.  Discussions about the devolution deal were not as advanced as discussions about the potential for the Council to enter into a combined authority.  Following further consideration alongside other local authority Leaders the Leader would report back to the Council.


A supplementary question was raised by Councillor Brunner as to whether the Leader agreed that Redditch residents should be consulted about devolving powers in Worcestershire.


The Leader responded by explaining that the Council would potentially consult at the appropriate time depending on the circumstances and the offer available.



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