Agenda item


To consider Announcements under Procedure Rule 10:


a)         the new Mayor’s Announcements, including the Mayor’s charities


b)         Leader’s Announcements


c)         Chief Executive’s Announcements.


(Oral report)


a)    Mayor


The Mayor said he looked forward to seeing everyone at the forthcoming events that would be held throughout his year of office and highlighted a particular event, his Civic Celebration, which would be held on 11th September.


b)    Leader


The Leader paid tribute to former Councillor Adrian Bedford-Smith and in so doing highlighted some of the work which he had carried out.  He had a particular interest in both planning and housing and had continued to be in contact with the Leader as recently as the week prior to his passing.  The Council’s condolences were sent to former Councillor Adrian Bedford-Smith’s wife and daughters and the flag at the Town Hall had been lowered as a sign of respect.


Councillor Juliet Brunner also took the opportunity to thank the outgoing Mayor and new Mayor and also paid tribute to former Councillor Adrian Bedford-Smith.  She highlighted the work which he had carried out, his long service with the Council and his work within the community and the Astwood Bank and Feckenham ward which he had represented.  Councillor Mike Chalk and Antonia Pulsford also paid tribute to him and his work.


The Leader’s announcements were as follows:


·         The Leader had attended the second Redditch Faith Walk which had also been attended by the Deputy Lord Lieutenant, who had been impressed with the event.  The pledge banners were displayed in the Chamber and the Leader was pleased to report that a number of schools had requested similar banners for use by staff and students.

·         The Leader had also attended the Mayor’s civic dinner and along with the Mayor and Deputy Lord Lieutenant had also attended the Beacon Lighting Celebrating the Queen’s 90th Birthday.  He had also attended a community litter pick in Church Hill.

·         The Council, together with Bromsgrove District Council, had hosted a delegation of senior officers and Members from Great Yarmouth and North Norfolk Councils in respect of shared services.

·         The Leader provided an update in respect of Worcestershire Devolution and advised that a constructive meeting had been held with Lord Heseltine at Westminster.  The Worcestershire delegation had included local Government, Enterprise Partnership, Health and Police partners.

·         The Leader also provided an update in respect of the Syrian Refugee Resettlement Programme and was delighted to report that the first 3 families (comprising 8 refugees) would be resettled in Redditch and should arrive at the end of June.  A further 4 families were expected in mid-July who would be resettled in Kidderminster and Redditch.  The Council was working closely with a number of agencies to ensure those families were well supported upon their arrival.  A joint welcoming statement, from the local MP and the Leader had been sent to those families expected in arrive in June.  A public meeting, arranged by the Bromsgrove and Redditch Welcome Refugee Group, was also due to take place at St Stephen’s Church on 24th May 2016 at 7.30 pm.

·         The Leader highlighted a number of future events including the return of the bike race on 26th May and Armed Services Day which would take place on 25th June.


c)    Chief Executive


The Chief Executive had no announcements.