Agenda item

Housing Provision

To receive a presentation concerning the provision of both private sector housing and social housing within the Borough of Redditch.


The attached documentation contains the following information:


a)    The key data sets currently available on the housing market in Redditch, and some key headlines coming out of this data.

b)    A set of power point slides which focuses in more detail on the private rented market in Redditch, the prevalence of benefit payments and rent shortfalls, and the demand that loss of private rented accommodation generates for the Council’s homelessness service as a whole.

c)    A housing briefing paper for MPs from the House of Commons library on the latest developments around local connection rules, and within that, the potential to prioritise local people.


(Briefing notes attached, presentation to follow)


The Chair reminded Members that an overview of both private sector housing provision and Council housing provision in the Borough had been requested during the scrutiny training session held in June 2015.


Officers provided Members with a briefing in respect of the key data sets currently available on the housing market in Redditch together with details of the private rented market in Redditch, the prevalence of benefit payments and rent shortfalls and the demand that loss of private rented accommodation generated for the Council’s homelessness service as a whole.


Members were also updated on the housing register, allocations system and policy.  This included information on the work of the housing advice assessment of housing need, the work of the Locality teams within the allocations process in order to understand people’s needs and the current review of the allocations policy and the transformation work which was being carried out.


During consideration of this item Officers responded to the following points which were raised by Members:


·         It was noted the data was produced in 2012 and the point was raised as to whether this would be updated.  Officers confirmed that this data was produced with the support of Worcestershire County Council and as its approach had changed to that of a commissioning authority in many cases, the districts were in discussion as to how best to produce similar data in the future.

·         The number of houses built in the Borough in the period covered by the report.

·         Any information in respect of the number of developments where planning permission had been granted but the properties had not as yet been built and the effect this could potentially have on the availability of affordable housing.

·         The percentage of Council tenancies and registered providers.

·         Whether all those on the waiting list were Redditch residents.  It was confirmed that approximately five per cent were from outside of the Borough.

·         The Council’s holistic approach to housing allocation and matching people with want they wanted.

·         The effect of the spare room subsidy and the support that had been given to those who were required to move or wished to downsize their property.

·         The turnaround of the void properties. This was approximately four to six weeks as the Council was carrying out more of the capital work using its own workforce, which was part of the wider transformation work.  It was anticipated that this turnaround time would reduce significantly as the new way of working became embedded.

·          Managing the expectations of those on the non-priority waiting list – Officers dealt with this in a variety of ways, including producing data and examples of someone in a similar position and the time it had taken for others to move up the list or be allocated a property.  The list was reviewed annually and those on it would be contacted to see whether their circumstances had changed or whether they still needed to be included.

·         Whether the Council took account of parents who had joint custody of children and made allowance for a spare room.  Officers confirmed that usually the property would be allocated to the parent who had financial responsibility for the child in terms of receiving any benefit support.

·         The new regulations which had come into force during the week in respect of carbon monoxide and smoke detectors being installed in rented properties.  Officers confirmed that any requirements would be met by the Council as a priority and Officers would ensure that any necessary work would be carried out in order for the Council to meet its statutory and moral responsibilities.


Supporting documents: