Agenda item

Bereavement Services Review of Cremation Fees and Charges and Proposed Capital Works - Pre-Scrutiny

To pre-scrutinise the Bereavement Services review of cremation fees and charges and proposed capital works.


It has been agreed that this report can be released early.


(Report attached).


The Chair reminded the Committee that Members had asked to pre-scrutinise all proposed fees and charges for 2016/17 and this report formed part of that pre-scrutiny work.  She then invited the Officers to present the Bereavement Services, Review of Cremation Feels and Charges and Proposed Capital Works Report.


Officers explained that a review of the service had recently been undertaken which had enabled the team to look at how it was operated together with the feasibility of the building.  In order to carry out the feasibility study advice from external consultants had been obtained focusing on the Council’s current position in the national league table of cremation fees and charges and how this had changed in recent years.  It was found that the current average fee at Redditch crematorium of £540 was some £106 lower than the national average.  If an 8% increase was implemented in the first year the average cost would still be significantly lower than the national average.  Comparison with other nearby authorities had also been made and it was noted that the Council had not increased fees in line with the general increase applied by others over a number of years.


Within the fee structure Officers had been mindful to take into account potential issues around funeral poverty and had lowered the fee for particular time slots.  They had also ensured that cremations and burials for residents and non-residents under the age of 18 were free to assist bereaved families who suffered the loss of a child.


It was noted that there had been limited investment, other than regular maintenance, in the aging structure of the facility and it had been identified that this might lead to potential unforeseen and costly maintenance issues in the future.  It was therefore proposed that a number of improvements be made, as detailed within the report, including the heating system, improvements to the toilet facilities and catafalque improvements.  The income from the increase in fees would be offset against the borrowing costs of these improvement works.


Following presentation of the report Members discussed the q number of areas in detail:-


·                The actual cost of a cremation.  Officers confirmed that a breakdown of that cost was not possible using the current system but it was hoped this would be available under the proposed new system.

·                Any bench marking exercise which the Council carried out on a regular basis.

·                Whilst Members agreed with the provision of free cremations and burials for those aged under 18 years, it was questioned whether this should be restricted to those living or being educated in the Borough.

·                It was also suggested that the age should take account of those still in education rather than under 18 years of age.

·                Members highlighted that whilst the Council charges were “cheap” the service provided was of a very high standard.


RECOMMENDED that the following proposals from Officers concerning Bereavement Services, review of Cremation Fees and Charges and Proposed Capital Works be endorsed:


1)    the cremation fees for 18 years + are increased as per the table at 3.7;


2)    the fees previously applied to 17 year olds are amended to start at 18 years old for both residents and non-residents for both cremations and burials;


3)    facility and heating improvements are approved as per the list at paragraph 4.10;


4)    a sum of £200K in capital funding be added to the existing £144K making a total of £344K  to enable a programme of capital works to take place in 2016; and


5)    a proportion of the increased income from amended fees is used towards repayment of the capital borrowing costs.



Supporting documents: