Agenda item

Task and Finish Groups - Progress Reports

To consider progress to date on current scrutiny reviews against the terms set by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee.

The current reviews in progress are:

1. Communications Task and Finish Group (Stage One),                            Chair – Councillor J. Brunner.

2. District Centres Task and Finish Group, Chair – Councillor A. Fry.

3. Fees and Charges Task and Finish Group, Chair – Councillor C. MacMillan.

Future Reviews (in current priority order):

4. Housing Priority Task and Finish Group, Chair – Councillor B. Passingham                                    

5. Gypsy and Travellers Task and Finish Group, Chair – Councillor P. Hill


(Oral reports and / or reports attached)



The Chair explained that this item had been added to the agenda to enable the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to monitor and influence the progress of ongoing Scrutiny Reviews.  The Chair stressed that it was important to stick to a time limit of two minutes for each report.  The following oral reports were given:


a.      Communications Task and Finish Group (Stage One)– Chair Councillor J. Brunner.


The Chair of this Group reported that the Members had made good progress.

The Group had identified which individuals and organisations they wanted to interview as part of the exercise and had sent them questionnaires.  The Chair also reported that a questionnaire was due to be sent out to Officers the following week.

The Chair informed Members that a brainstorming session was due to take place with Corporate Management Team on Thursday the 13th of September and that the Group had organised for external Expert Witnesses to be interviewed the week beginning the 17th of September.

The Committee agreed that, in view of delays occasioned by forthcoming Officer annual leave, the initial findings from Stage One of the Communications exercise should now be presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Wednesday the 7th of November.


b.      District Centres Task and Finish Group
– Chair Councillor A. Fry


The Chair of the District Centres Task and Finish Group explained that, due to Member changes to this Group, a bus trip had been arranged to take Members around Church Hill, Matchborough, Winyates and Woodrow District Shopping Centres.  The Chair reported that the bus trip had been very successful and that Members had identified a range of Officer Expert Witnesses to interview, including planning and landscaping officers. 


c.      Fees and Charges Task and Finish Group
– Chair Councillor C. MacMillan


The Chair reported that only one meeting had taken place for this Task and Finish Group.  Members were informed that at the first meeting the Group had requested a large number of detailed pieces of information.  The Chair reported that  to enable Officers to complete the required work the second meeting of the Group had been scheduled to take place on Tuesday the 25th of September.  Members requested that the Borough Director ask the relevant Officers to provide the required information as soon as possible. 


d.      Housing Priority Task and Finish Group
– Chair Councillor B. Passingham


Officers reported that membership for this Task and Finish Group had been finalised and would comprise Councillors Passingham (Chair), Boyd-Carpenter, Cookson, Chalk and W. King.

Officers informed Members that they were in the process of finalising a date for the first meeting of this Group.



e.      Gypsies and Travellers Task and Finish Group
– Chair Councillor P. Hill


Officers reported that relevant Officers and Councillor Hill had been consulted over the appropriate timing for this Task and

Finish Group.  Officers reported that as a result of this consultation process it had been suggested that the Task and Finish Review should begin in November.  Members approved this suggestion and asked Officers to write to Group Leaders to request nominations for membership of the Group.  Members also requested that Officers should provide future updates about the progress of this Task and Finish Group because Councillor Hill was not a Member of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.




subject to Members’ comments as detailed in the preamble above,


1)     the Communications Task and Finish Group delay the presentation of their recommendations for Stage One of the exercise until the Overview and Scrutiny meeting to be held on Wednesday the7th of November;


2)     the Borough Director ask relevant Officers for the information requested by the Members of the Fees and Charges Task and Finish Group; and


3)     the Gypsies and Travellers Task and Finish Group begin its work in November 2007.