Agenda item


To consider Announcements under Procedure Rule 10:


a)         Mayor’s Announcements


b)         Leader’s Announcements


c)         Chief Executive’s Announcements.


(Oral report)


a)    The Mayor


The Mayor advised that he had had a busy first two months in office and thanked his deputy for attending a number of events on his behalf.  He also took the opportunity to thank the Leader for his support at a number of events.  Particular reference was made to the lowering of the flag in respect of the Orlando shootings and the atrocities which had taken place in Nice, France.  He had also attended the Bandstand event, which had been well attended, the Astwood Bank Carnival and the 37th Signals Civic Reception and it had been a pleasure to support the Cycle Race. 


b)    The Leader


The Leader reiterated the Mayor’s comments in respect of it being a busy two months and highlighted a number of events and meetings which he had attended during that period.  The comments of the Mayor were echoed in respect of the tragic events which had taken place in recent weeks, including the Orlando shootings, the death of Jo Cox, MP and the horrific events in Nice.  The Leader and Mayor had been joined by the MP, Mosque leaders and two French nationals on the roof of the Town Hall with the tricolour and Union flag flying at half-mast.


The Leader also made reference to the following events which had taken place:


·         The parade for Armed Forces day had been followed by a Civic Reception at the Town Hall for the Armed Forces and their families, which had been a great success.

·         The first Syrian refugees had arrived in Redditch and had been visited by the Leader welcoming them to the town.  There had also been a funding raising dinner held in the Town Hall which had been a great success and which the families had attended.

·         The Leader had collected the Inspiring Co-op of the Year Award on behalf of Redditch Co-op Homes/Riverside Co-op.

·         Together with Councillor Hill the Leader had attended the re-opening of the Polish Club, which was also attended by a representative of the Polish Embassy from London.

·         The first Bandstand event of the year had a theme of the Queen’s Birthday and had been well attended.

·         40th Birthday celebrations of the Ecumenical Centre.

·         Redditch Has Talent finals – thanks were given to all the staff and volunteers at the Palace Theatre.

·         Along with other Members, the Leader had attended the Service of Remembrance for the 100 year anniversary of the Battle of the Somme.  It was acknowledged that over 50 soldiers from Redditch and surrounding areas had lost their lives in the battle.

·         The Leader had also attended, along with other Members, a community fun day at the Ryce building, which had been a diverse multi-cultural event.

·         A fund raising event hosted by the Mayor at the Shai Palace which had raised over £600 towards his chosen charities for the year.


The Leader had also attended a number of meetings/briefings which he made reference to during his announcements:


·         The West Midlands Combined Authority had now been formed and more councils had joined, including Warwickshire County Council, Stratford Upon Avon, North Warwickshire and Rugby.

·         The Leader had held a meeting with the Transport for West Midlands (formerly Centro), together with the Chief Executive and a representative from the MP’s office.  The aim was to get changes to timetables between Redditch and Birmingham New Street, to allow for an “express” or limited stop train twice a day.  Fare equalisation on the network had also been discussed.  There had been no guarantees but it had been a positive meeting and if successful the changes would be beneficial to commuters as well as attracting businesses to Redditch.

·         A press release had been issued in respect of the Council supporting the Cycle Race as the County Council will no longer sponsor it in future years.  The Leader wanted to encourage local businesses to sponsor the event and help raise the £80k for the event to take place in Redditch next year.

·         A Member Development session had been attended in respect of safeguarding and prevent for children.

·         Following another tragic death the Leader had written to the County Council Leader in respect of the Muskets Way footbridge requesting that it make it safe.  A positive response had been received and a time limited, multi-agency group had been set up to make recommendations for a safe solution.  Councillor Yvonne Smith would be the Council’s representative on the group.

·         A press release had also been issued in support of the Worcestershire multi faith group’s statement about xenophobia and hate crime.


Councillor Brunner thanked the Mayor for writing letters of condolence to those countries affected by the recent tragic events.